I do personally think the plebiscite is dumb because it's expensive and non-binding BUT it's still important we let them know that we want change to happen.
which ofc still read it bc it could be changed but yeah, i don't afford our government much in the way of assumptions of their intelligence but i'm pretty sure they're smart enough to realise that a poorly worded question would just make a shitshow of an even more contentious issue.
like they're clearly not switched on enough to realise a postal survey is a terrible idea, but i highly doubt they'd want to deal with how much a dubious question would drag the issue out post-results
Nah they're all part of a cult which will inform them how to properly vote. Never count on them being stupid enough to heck it up. That's the mistake we in California made.
Ta for pointing this out, I hadn't thought of them bait and switch on wording. I generally don't think of them as that intelligent but some are petty enough to try. :|
watch me eat my words as Australians vote against equality. I will cry