Animorphs ABC
We've got another full series discussion for you right here! Come jump in, the water's great!

Animorphs ABC
Tomorrow we'll be starting on Book #25, The Extreme, but for now, let's talk about aliens!

Animorphs ABC
(Yeah, yeah, we're always talking about aliens)

Animorphs ABC
But let's talk about aliens specifically. We just hit the first book with the Helmacrons, an alien race unlike anything else in the series and very unlike most other depictions of aliens in fiction in general

Animorphs ABC
We've also had looks at Leerans and a few other species, with more coming up such as the Iskoort and Venber, and of course the heavy focus on Yeerks, Andalites, Hork-Bajir, and Taxxons

Animorphs ABC
We know KA made the Andalites a lot more alien after a request from her publishing house to make the central aliens more unique in case the books were ever picked up in a film or television deal, and I think we can all agree she succeeded at that handily

Animorphs ABC
So what are your favorite aliens in the series, both of the ones that get a lot of focus and the ones that don't? Do you think some go too far away from what a human being can relate to, or is it appropriate that there's such diversity in the vastness of space?

Animorphs ABC
there any sort of alien you would want to add to the world if you got the chance?

Animorphs ABC
We'll see you tomorrow for the start of book 25!

I really love the space diversity in the series; the Taxxons are SO disturbing in such a great way and I think she really handled the idea of how these species' evolved to suit their planets really well.

I can't think of any other series I've loved so much that features such a diverse and interesting series of species. Even Mass Effect- most of their aliens still had that centrally bipedal humanoid look to most of their aliens which made it a bit 'well. oh, okay i guess.' to me

i also love ax's evolution of being like 'ah yes, i am a superior species' to 'humans have so much potential and they're my allies and friends' and gives humans more credit as the series goes on

Ax's development really is fascinating

He's never a bad guy but he did have that slight air of superiority, and to see how it's deconstructed over the series is so good