宰獄歸國🦌王大歌 🌈
#Stucky #AO3 #原文 #五加一
5 Times Steve Got Arrested and 1 Time They All Did - heartsdesire...

宰獄歸國🦌王大歌 🌈
Tony faked a gasp. “Steve Rogers, did you just curse?!”

Steve rolled his eyes. “What the fuck did it sound like?” he asked and Clint cackled at the look on Tony’s face.
宰獄歸國🦌王大歌 🌈
Bucky just winked. “You should hear when he really gets angry. He gets going and it’d make a sailor blush.”

Steve grimaced. “It’s not that bad-“

“Your Ma would’ve washed your mouth out with soap,” Bucky accused.
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“This is traumatic. It’s like learning Santa isn’t real,” Tony said with a huff. “Steve Rogers says the f-word. Next thing you know, Cherry Pie will start having impure thoughts about women and then where will we be?”
宰獄歸國🦌王大歌 🌈
Steve rolled his eyes. “First off, I’m not eight years old, I have plenty of impure thoughts, I just don’t bring it up with the rest of you dirty bastards and harass people over it,” he said.

“‘Cept the part about ‘women’, hopefully,” Bucky added absently. “Not unless something’s changed I need to know about.”
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Clint’s head snapped up, Natasha gave Steve an accusatory glare, and even Bruce looked up in surprise. Tony, however, full on flailed in an attempt to sit up in his chair. “Wait, wait, wait… Are you saying that Steven ‘Mother Teresa’ Rogers has had impure thoughts about men?”
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Bucky looked at him like he was insane and Steve rolled his eyes, sighing. “Oh yeah, Tony thinks I’m a virgin,” he said flatly and Bucky burst out laughing, eyes bright with amusement. Steve grinned mischievously and chuckled along with Bucky.
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Bucky caught his breath and leered at Steve, raising his hand from Steve’s shoulder to twirl in a metal finger in Steve’s hair. “Then I bet he’d really stroke out if he heard the dirty shit you say in bed, huh?” he asked, tugging Steve down to kiss him.
宰獄歸國🦌王大歌 🌈
Steve just smiled against his lips, eyes opening when Bucky broke the kiss and smacked an extra to Steve’s cheek. “Trust me, Stark, Stevie hasn’t been a virgin for about seventy-seven years,” he said with a wink. “I made damn sure of that one myself,” he said with a cocky look that made Steve roll his eyes and blush slightly.