[work] Hrg work is offering free training for suicide alertness which would be great to take but it's the same day as my CPR/general first aid class and I dunno if I can handle that much learning in one day...
It's also after work and goes till 8:30 so I wouldn't get home till 9 which makes me 8|
But then it would be good to take a class like that so I am torn...
TheApostate ™
What time's the CPR?
It's in the morning. So I could do both, it just might be a lot to take in on the same day. @_@
TheApostate ™
Well I would consider CPR a little more important to learn. Not that suicide alertness isn't important either
Well the CPR one is required for me since I am part of our office's emergency response team.
TheApostate ™