I just called the fucking leasing office like "yes I have a question about these illegal evictions happening in front of my house??? people have been evicted with no notice which is illegal in the state of georgia?"
A: Once the dispossessory is filed, the county marshal will deliver a summons to your residence demanding that you answer the charges of non-payment of rent. You have seven calendar days to answer the summons in writing.
If you answer with almost any written response, a court date will be set for a trial of the facts, usually within two weeks of the answer.
I haven't got the office number saved for some reason. Can you text me their number? I'm going to ask them to print a copy of my lease for me to go over
I can't think of any reason we would be at risk of eviction, but if they aren't following the rules so far i have no reason to expect them to do so for us
JUST SO'S EVERYONE KNOWS when i went by the office after work to see what I could find, and get a copy of the lease to check the eviction clauses, I found out that our apartments lease renewal (which was approved on 5/8/17 and was supposed to go in effect at the start of this month) was never filed
but like
theres something else going on kind of shady
If you answer with almost any written response, a court date will be set for a trial of the facts, usually within two weeks of the answer.