Mike looked at the conversation and basically said it's the same shit, but new language, so I'm just falling for it again, but I do think Ricky is trying. I just think that old habits die hard.
I don't even know what I want anymore. I sent a massive text dump this morning calling him out on this bullshit behavior and then saying why I don't like his girlfriend and what she did to hurt me.
I really hate how my knee jerk reaction is to make excuses, but my work productivity speaks for itself. I'm right back where I was months ago and it's been 2 or 3 days?
I've worked too hard to heal this much to be RIGHT back to where I was. It's going to be so difficult because I care so much, but it's what I need to do.
so i understand a little bit on that front. hopefully things will continue to work out better for you and for him, even if it's not in a way where you can repair your relationship
I do too. I was actually at a point where I was becoming okay with letting everything go. I don't care if we don't have a relationship or not, I just want everyone to be okay.
I loved him at one point. Like to the point I was ready to drop my life to go with him if he had said the word. I wouldn't do that now, but I do care deeply about him even after everything he did to me.