Axe Goth Real?
[2:53 PM] 世紀末戦士伝説: Okay, here's the tier list as by me:
Mulholland Drive - Samurai
Wild at Heart - Paladin, Summoner, Astrologian
Eraserhead - Monk, Bard, Ninja, Warrior, White Mage, Red Mage
Fire Walk With Me - Dragoon, Black Mage
Inland Empire - Dark Knight, Scholar
Dune - Machinist
Axe Goth Real?
And what I have learned is that my FC desperately need a movie night.
stheno ☆
stheno ☆
I mean I don't know these classes but I know that you know what you must do
621st Raven
the funny thing is that I've only heard of one of these.
621st Raven
And it's the last one