Becks Yeah!
andrew is so sweet, he was just like 'as much as it sucks that he's here right now, i understand why milwaukee keeps sending him everywhere - he's a GOOD manager'
Becks Yeah!
like. there are ppl who are managers who just arent qualified or they're tyrannical or childish and throw blame but never accept blame
Becks Yeah!
and andrew was just like it's probably the insane amt of coffee he drinks but he's good w ppl and ppl just want to do a good job when they work on projects w him
Becks Yeah!
i asked him where was joey when he was saying all this and andrew was like asleep in the booth across from me
At least he's sleepin
Lyra + a Player
Becks Yeah!
joey & nessa are competing to see who can get the least amt of sleep per night
They need to not be doing that, that'll happen plenty soon
Becks Yeah!
it's not on purpose, joeys trying to get home since he's in the red zone of twins could actually decide to come any day & nessas rib + braxton hicks contractions mean little to no sleep for her
Yeah I just wish there was a magic wand that could let them both rest