The Fool
[suicide] if you ever work a mental health or suicide hotline...
The Fool
don't ever tell anyone that their problems are only going to get worse as they age so they have to sort them out right now or they're fucked forever
The Fool
also if someone tells you that family can't help them or they don't have any family, don't argue with them and say that they must have
The Fool
these things are not helpful and someone just made me way worse today
unoiled snake
........... wtf
unoiled snake
yeah, that is. not helpful.
a) if you need to talk to me I'm absolutely available
b ) if you feel up to it and you know the details, tell someone what an asshole that worker was being.
ᴅʀᴇᴀᴅ ɢᴏᴅᴅᴇss
that's...like, a fireable thing, tbh
ᴅʀᴇᴀᴅ ɢᴏᴅᴅᴇss
as someone who works at a crisis hotline
cripes on a crutch, they don't know what they're doing
That person should never have worked a crisis hotline! That's horrible!
Bing Bong
omfg wtf never okay never acceptable, wtf
Bing Bong
Yeah this person needs to get GONE because someone is going to kill themselves on their watch, if not BECAUSE of this person
Bing Bong
I'm so livid on your behalf, Leca, I'm glad you have people on plurk to talk to & I'm so glad you're still here
sparky ⚡
Yeah completely agreeing. This is beyond fucked up.
What the hell? Why would anyone on that hotline think saying anything like that is okay!?
Yeah, I'm with
ᴅʀᴇᴀᴅ ɢᴏᴅᴅᴇss
That's not okay and I'm so sorry it happened to you.
The Fool
thanks. I'll sort out the details of reporting it later
The Fool
I made it to work, at least.
The Fool
but my brain is just... yeah. a mess
Yeah. They were completely unhelpful and inaccurate and I'm so sorry.
The Fool
it's just the same family is the only option rhetoric that I get all the time
The Fool
and it was like they took all the stuff that I was already worried about and amplified it
The Fool
like when I get sick I get really scared about the fact that even if I have an emergency or have to go to the hospital or any of that kind of stuff
The Fool
there's no one to call
The Fool
like I don't have any emergency contacts or anyone who would be with me
The Fool
like ever
The Fool
I'm pretty much 100% alone in the world, where offline life is concerned
And that sucks and it's hard. It doesn't mean it's...the only path.
The Fool
and since I'm having health problems right now - more so than usual I mean - I was being pretty upset about it
The Fool
and upset about the fact that I couldn't do a lot of the stuff that I needed to do today
The Fool
and I got to the point where I really need someone to talk to so I called but then they basically just told me that
The Fool
everything I feel like that I should have done or had by this point in my life...
The Fool
it's just impossible if I can't do it now
... That's awful.
The Fool
because I'm not going to get healthier or more able to do things as I get older, so it feels like they basically just told me I'm fucked
That's a terrible message.
The Fool
but it's pretty obvious why too
The Fool
because they were trying to sell the idea that I must have family that can support me somewhere if I would just let them
The Fool
which is what so many people do here, even professionals and stuff
The Fool
but when I say stuff like that I would rather take my own life and decide where and when than die alone incapacitated
The Fool
( which is kind of one of my biggest fears)
The Fool
instead of offering any kind of resources or whatever, they were basically like " you're only going to get more likely to die alone incapacitated the longer you live"
The Fool
which is pretty much encouraging me to go ahead and kill myself
Bing Bong
that is the total opposite of helping
huggles you so much and wants to hurt this person who said that stuff
The Fool
all of the partying going on for the holiday is really not good for my PTSD either
The Fool
and I'm still struggling with an infection that has me in a lot of pain and nervous about my health
The Fool
so dealing with someone this unhelpful who basically took all of my biggest fears and said " this is definitely going to happen unless you utilize a resource that you don't have"
The Fool
was just so not what I needed right now
I hope karma comes back to bite them in the ass. HARD
and then does it again with no warning or preparation. -_-
cuddles you protectively
The Fool
The Fool
/loves on