Oh, and if y'all wanted more proof of how shitty Paypal is, my mom spent 1.5 hours on the phone with them disputing a $149 charge that was made on my dad's credit card and they still wouldn't take it off or tell her what it was for.
And she kept going "He's dead. He's dead. Can you at least tell me what MY DEAD HUSBAND bought because nothing showed up at our door and I'm disputing these charges."
And the CS rep at Paypal refused to tell her anything or give her any information because she didn't know my dad's password. And my mom offered to send over a death certificate and they said they had no procedure for that
The bank were the guys who gave my mom the money back in the end. Fuck Paypal
the fuck
did they at least inactivate his account? because if it's compromised, any bank account attached to it is too
coochie scarf
for fucks sake, ecompanies, HAVE A PROCEDURE FOR THE DEATH OF A MEMBER.
graNma sWeetie
they must have this procedure and i bet the rep she spoke to was too stupid to know it
^^^ she should call back and explain what the rep did / said to someone a little higher up the ladder
Alix : They did not! As far as we know it's still active and she has no idea if this was a recurring payment or not. Dad had a few of those
The good news is that the bank account Paypal pulled from is being deactivated next month so they can't pull any more
The fuck
Shan-o-ween : She tried. Waited half an hour for a supervisor to tell her the exact same thing
cakejustice: Yes stupidity was apparently a factor. The woman kept going "Ma'am. Ma'am. I'm sorry but I can't help you. You are not the account holder."
I am seriously hoping it's just the people you talked too
I would be that bitch that takes this to twitter or FB tho
to Shame the fuck out of the company
graNma sWeetie
even though she wasnt the account holder
graNma sWeetie
there should 100% be a procedure for mailing in a death certificate
graNma sWeetie
and gaining access to the account
graNma sWeetie
my shitty halfbaked company has at least that
graNma sWeetie
but i mean
graNma sWeetie
not to say she/you didnt try i just think they are fucking lying and dont know their own policy
graNma sWeetie
so yeah ia paypal is awful and i hate it
Yeah. :/
that... seems like it should probably be illegal
And I thought it was bad enough that they had no policy for the names of trans people. But to have nothing for a deceased account holder? That's fucked up
from their own website. :\ Guess it's something for Mom's lawyer to do
graNma sWeetie
yep, knew they were lying
lazy and/or ignorant assholes
graNma sWeetie
i work in a call center and i know 100% what these people are like lmfao
graNma sWeetie
i'd believe the first person was too stupid, and i believe the supervisor was intentionally an asshole