The Fool
I am craving pop so terribly, but I just came in and sat down. (tears)
The Fool
I haven't been keeping any at home because I'm cutting down on it
The Fool
but waaaah I want some
The Fool
I actually kind of want fast food but I probably really shouldn't
The Fool
someone tell me to be a responsible adult or something
The Fool
Be responsible. Eat the healthy food!
The Fool
but healthy food requires getting up and making it
fast food would require getting up and getting it, no?
You can do this!
The Fool
haha yes but if I eat at home I don't have pop
The Fool
/whines like a baby lol
And it's less expensive to make food at home~
even if it would feel easier at the time
The Fool
haha yes the money is mostly why I was saying I shouldn't
The Fool
I'll shower and then make food
The Fool
... and drink the one hard orange soda that I have left (LOL)
lol good plan (LOL) did you just want the sugar or is it the caffeine?
The Fool
I mean. it's the specific taste?
The Fool
it's not the sugar or the caffeine, it's just " I have not been drinking pop and I miss the taste"
aaah okay!
The Fool
the hard soda doesn't quite fit because it's an orange one and I want cola
The Fool
but it's the only thing I have in the house that isn't water, coffee, or tea