智庫IFS與EPI教育政策機構:若托利黨勝選 英格蘭學校恐面臨經費遭砍 - 衛報頭版
Schools face years of funding cuts if Tories win election, say th...
托利黨提出營養早餐政見與預算 遭打臉「根本低估了成本」 -
May's manifesto pledge on free school breakfasts 'under...
The free breakfast offer in the Tory manifesto was t...
Greening targets 'ordinary families' in grammar schools...
#英國大選2017 #營養午餐 #文法學校 #保守黨政見 #營養早餐 #2021年 #英國社會民生福利
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Over 100 schools will lose £1 million or more in funding. Every parent and teacher should see these numbers. Watch and share now. Find your school at
School Cuts