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[Thema] 新聞置入行銷,七年後⋯⋯ – 黃哲斌 – Medium

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News after advertising may look like news before adv...

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AP stylebook embraces 'they' as a singular...
5/31發新的新版 AP,更動內容。

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Re: [新聞] 中越發佈聯合公報 越南承諾不與台灣發展

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China's Isolation of Taiwan Poses Risks For Global Health | Time.com

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post from 王瑞瑤 | facebook

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The U.S. Worldwide Threat Assessment Includes Warnin...

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Will the Arctic be the next stop on China’s new Silk...

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Killing C.I.A. Informants, China Crippled U.S. Spying Operations ...

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[精進波羅蜜] 【紐約時報】中國殺害C.I.A.的消息來源,讓美國的間諜行動變跛腳。 中國政府從20...

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[James | 台灣公民] 台灣何時才能走出弱智綜藝化的新聞生態? 是雞生蛋?蛋生雞?總之是惡性循環....