Pumpqueen Fall
[Econ] 1.02: Supply vs. Demand! See 1.01 for what is currency and how does it work
Pumpqueen Fall
NOTE: I deeply understand the political nature of economic policies (seriously) and the 2nd part of the planned book is all about government and changes to it but FOR NOW, please save gov/political/venting about the 1% & Capitalism for any of my multiple [USPol] plurks or ping me to one of your own so that I can focus on questions PLEASE AND THANKS!!!
Pumpqueen Fall
2nd note: ask me questions I need to be able to explain this on a level for people who don't have backgrounds in economics --> BUT! DO NOT PLAY DEVIL'S ADVOCATE! PLEASE!!! I need to know what you specifically don't get and how to better tailor to that. If I chase down all the devil's advocate, I'll end up making it more confusing! uwu
Pumpqueen Fall
3: The Parable of Palm Oil – Agùntáṣǫólò Notes <- seriously freaking related but high end of what we're talking about, so don't feel bad if you can't follow it. Just goes to proving my points about food, gov, corporations, and how to fix it.
Pumpqueen Fall
Supply vs. Demand is the very most basic important rule of economics. In theory, this controls prices. Limited supply but high demand = higher prices.
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In practice we have outgrown this model on such an astronomical globalist scale that it has stifling repercussions everywhere you look. It uses labor; particularly minimum wage lower class labour as a supply -- something which completely messes up China who has much higher demand for jobs, and thus has to invent demand just to supply this.
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In housing markets like Boston, LA, and NYC, where there is extremely high demand, the suppliers do not always create more supply instead using this as an opportunity to jack prices up. A model which is outdated when you realize that for less money they could create more profit with more apartments -> but as this requires investment and capital:
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it often is deemed more worthwhile to simply squeeze blood out of stones.
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This is especially the case in corporations that rather than determine what demand is out there, stick to trying to maximize profits out of what already is. This is extremely stifling on the market and actually curbs progress. This is not to say the supposed antithesis of capitalism: communism, does this any better, it actually does much worse.
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As rather than trying to meet demand, it becomes a matter of distribution and hoarding (see also: 1.01).
What does it take to best provide for individuals running businesses, rather than corporations?
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Restructuring from the ground up
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Right now, there are two known economic schools of thought and policies accordingly
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Supply side is about selling what already is, with a sort of Field of Dreams theory on demand. "If you build it, they will come." It assumes demand is easier to create via advertising, and researches accordingly, rather than seeking to meet what demands already exist on market.
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This is not inherently bad. It's merely a school of thought.
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However when met with hoarding, it tends to create added stressors on markets.
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Demand side (ofc) seeks to meet what demands already exist by creating supply. Such as more housing in needed areas, greener technologies (solar power, wind turbines, research and development, electric cars etc.) Foods, and so forth.
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This is not inherently better. The downside is that most of the time humans don't always know what they want, and very often, what they think they want turns out to have really negative side effects.
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ie. "I want a job" is less about the job itself and working, but the money to purchase things, and the satisfaction and comfort of knowing it is well earned. But without more direction, many of the jobs can be highly dissatisfactory leading to higher happiness in places with less jobs.
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However, a major key upside to demand economics is that it does not see natural resources (clean water, land, air) as something which can be packaged and sold.
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Downside: it chases things like hair loss solutions instead of trying to cure cancer because there's more money in that. (More people affected by hair loss = more revenue from cure!!)
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A more ideal economic system needs to take out the natural chaos of both these forces on the marketplace to determine a better system for valuing goods and labor with life itself as an unbreachable morality. **
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**NOTE: current economic systems (of all kinds period! From predatory capitalism to communism, from Keynes to even Smith) place a low value on life. While it generally is seen as ABYSMAL long term business practice and branding, because of the supply vs. demand on prices in market, there is more incentive for recklessly endangering lives
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and even killing than there is financial incentives to prevent casual murder. This was recognized as an inevitable problem even in Babylonian times with Hannibal's code including the overly strict penalty that if someone's son was killed in a housing collapse, then the builder's son would be killed in recompense for faulty construction.
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-> as you can see in my recent Remington plurk, the biggest problem wasn't even that there was a faulty trigger. It's that they knew and still sold and marketed it, and found there would be more money in covering it up than any amount of good will would be gained from admitting their wrong doing and cleaning up the mess. Especially given the branding
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Your life as an individual is meaningless to corporations, your money is your only power and voice that they can hear, and it is easily drowned out.
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Without devolving into USPol much; this was exacerbated by the SCJ ruling that money = voice, and corporations have rights of people, but not the obligations to be tried criminally.
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Thus while BP moaned in a big show over the amount of money they were losing to the Gulf Spill off the Atlantic Coast; they still saw extremely high profits thanks to the attention, recklessness, and hoarding by top players allowing them to escape before the longer term consequences would have much effect.
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The solution to this is to tie all financial profits to the well-being of consumers. -> To go back to the main point
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In supply vs. demand, food is the number one thing most messed up by all economic forces.
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During the Great Depression, in order to make sure farmers could even make enough to feed themselves, the government had to put a bottom line on foods, even to the point of destroying some, even when people were starving, just in order to ensure prices that weren't literally unprofitable.
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^ In the US that is.
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In the USSR, BECAUSE of the massive push for Russian blood to own homesteads and farms in Eastern Ukraine (still affecting the politics there right now this second today) they actually starved out the original populous with famine, even though this also let millions of their own die, rather than distribute the produce they'd ordered created.
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And all this for fixed pricing.
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Food has always been hoarded (see again 1.01) and is the largest reason ancestors survived the ice age and famines. -> However, in capitalism, it becomes a matter of the rich eating healthiest while the poorest suffer most. In communism, as with the 1620s Pilgrims landing at Plymouth Rock, without profit as a motivator, production is minimal and often
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underwhelming, and not even enough to meet demand. This was also a huge problem for Jamestown, where a lot of rich (for their time/place) nobles were out seeking gold and panhandling the river rather than grow food.
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Today in the U.S. thanks to policies set from the Great Depression and WW2, raw foods are often more expensive to basic consumers than packaged and processed foods --> YET VERY OFTEN: the packaged foods are MUCH less healthy and provide less nutrition; the long-term effects on health are widely spread and well-known especially among poor urban communities
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but even more among special racial sectors like African-Americans & Native Americans who traditionally did not have what is now nearly considered the luxury of eating healthier whole foods.
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Even worse; due to the supply side; the snacking industry is known for doing its best to make their foods as "delicious" and "addicting" as possible, dedicating almost all their science and research to taste to trick tastebuds and consumers into what is not necessarily healthy and can even have known long term detriments on the body.
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Demand side is not much better. Although there is a high volume demand for health food, because of the processed food model structure, the concentration in "healthy foods" remains in the purview of diets (Healthy Choice, yeah I'm calling it out on BS) which is high in preservatives, low in nutrition, and again mostly trying to trick consumers -- even to the
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point that places like Weight Watchers have foods which are known to create a yo-yo dependency upon themselves
Eʏʏʏᴍᴏɴᴅ Osᴡᴇʟʟ
Huh! I hadn't realized that there were food policies from the Great Depression era still fucking things up today.
Pumpqueen Fall
yes. AND worse; without them, we'd be worse.
Eʏʏʏᴍᴏɴᴅ Osᴡᴇʟʟ
Eʏʏʏᴍᴏɴᴅ Osᴡᴇʟʟ
So it's not a matter of just trashing those policies, huh.
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-> The only way to solve this ((that I can think of, and no one else has suggested better)) is by specifically tying better health and nutrition and indeed LIFE of consumers to financial profits. Thus far, it's considered "allowable repercussions" for death, decay, and general ills provided short-term people still buy it. -> This is part of the concept
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that the people have goldfish memories and because they don't know what's best for them, must either be completely controlled and regulated (communism) or leaving them open for predatory sharks to take advantage and fleece (capitalism.)
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Better way is by assuming the government has a role to play in protecting and helping people ALSO live to their best, fullest, and happiest, and indeed -> that the most profit can be gained by this!
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Eʏʏʏᴍᴏɴᴅ Osᴡᴇʟʟ : Correct. Without derailing into politics too much (I hope) the only reason Republicans haven't done away with it is because it'd literally kill off their base and they would cease to be a party. Even the Tea Party can't get them to shank those.
Eʏʏʏᴍᴏɴᴅ Osᴡᴇʟʟ
What's the specific law/laws I should be looking at here?
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That said, don't think I'm siding with Democrats. Democrats would repeal them too, and even fought against them being in place, because they're kind of spineless pathetic things. And the globalist Dems. understand/KNOW that there's HUGE profits for them in importing processed foods, exporting ALSO processed foods \:|/
Pumpqueen Fall
Eʏʏʏᴍᴏɴᴅ Osᴡᴇʟʟ : with regards to the Great Depression regulations, or with restructuring?
Eʏʏʏᴍᴏɴᴅ Osᴡᴇʟʟ
Great Depression regulations.
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Oh man we are talking WHOLE BOOKS AND VOLUMES AND VOLUMES here but
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ATM Trump is doing a mighty fine job of kneecapping the FDA and setting fire to American regulation infrastructure
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That's not even me being political, that's something he brags about
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The problem isn't regulations exist (see again: Hannibal's law of housing, while strict, ALSO necessary!)
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It's that it's built on a model for far less people with way less connectivity. We've outgrown it. THAT SHOULD BE CELEBRATED AS A MATTER OF FACT!!! We no longer need to stick with something that only barely worked thousands of years ago. We have enough people now we can do better as a society!! AS A GLOBE
/raises hand/ Wasn't it Hammurabi? I assume that's whose code you mean.
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Yes. Fuck me. This is why I try not to do this when I'm excessively migrainey (LOL)
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Yesterday I kept saying North Koreans when I meant VietKong
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I knew it was Vietnam but it still came out North Koreans
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Pumpqueen Fall
Hannibal's code... I d ek what that would be. Eat an eye, grow more eyes? /shot
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The biggest flaws in supply vs. demand on pricing (other than sacrificing life/health/liberty/happiness!!!) are multi-fold. 1] It does not account for people being willing or worse: FORCED TO buy literally "anything."
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For instance: in regulations for jobs, you might be forced to buy "work clothes" or uniforms. In return for clean bottled water your local original water supply might be polluted, and thanks to literally antisocial psychos you might still be forced to pay (Flint, Michigan!)
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Craig's List, Etsy, Ebay, and the "value" of things like Kickstarter projects for a dude to have potato salad party all are factors absolutely no one could have forseen.
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2] In the days/places where haggling and negotiating prices was/is considered the norm, this had the added effect of occasionally a "game" where someone would pretend to be interested in the same thing at market as you in order to help the seller jack the prices up. After all, if there's only one, and you really want it.... -- This is a known con in
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real estate, but the primary reason auctions are even as successful as they are, because people do enjoy the adrenaline rush and indeed, sometimes do feel their new property is worth that much more knowing that it's coveted by someone else.
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3] Prices fluctuate to far more variables now than supply vs. demand can ever adequately meet -> solutions to come in following chapters.
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4] hoarding. :| When you don't meet demand, while prices might go up, the original creator won't see those prices. This is also especially the case in music. The more something got sold, and the more it was in demand, the artist still saw very little of the original profits.
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This is also part of the distribution problems
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^ And ties in with regards to farming & agriculture immensely because in order to just meet minimal values, there has to be SOME go between. It's structurally impossible for a farmer in Vermont (where my godparents farm :V) to know what is going to sell well "abroad." Or in general. They have NO possible way to farm towards demands
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Now, in general they go with a lot of staples and things that are always in demand: ie, potatoes (which can be easily processed and thus have guaranteed buyers from chip companies) spinach, corn, etc. They also have their own local market set up and use it as a scale to see how much turnips, brussel sprouts, etc. get sold.
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-- Again, this is not to say that government regulations automatically fix it. Part of this is because of regulations to begin with (see also: whole foods vs. processed)
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and there's a great capacity to be abused in the most extreme of manners (Eastern Ukraine)
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-> INSTEAD: what absolutely MUST happen, is a better economic system helping all ends meet goals to replace the much outdated current model. Right now, there's very little profit for individual farmers, and most family farms are done by those who honestly find a spirituality and fulfillment in it. It's highly unprofitable except when done by massive
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corporations; and even then, when done by corps, it focuses on profit at the expense of human health, morality, rights, liberty, and long term environmental and community effects.
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(My godfather was a white collar office guy who always wanted a farm. Ironically he's had to go back into politics just to sustain his farm, but he does love it.)
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(the farm, not the politics. He hates the politics.)
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OKAY I think that covers it @.@; any more questions / sore spots?
Eʏʏʏᴍᴏɴᴅ Osᴡᴇʟʟ
No questions from me right now.
Eʏʏʏᴍᴏɴᴅ Osᴡᴇʟʟ
I still need to sit down with the first plurk and notate and see if I actually understand it vs. it making sense on a readthrough.
Pumpqueen Fall
thank you!
Pumpqueen Fall
I should link that plurk hang on
Eʏʏʏᴍᴏɴᴅ Osᴡᴇʟʟ
I gotchu, I went looking for it myself because I realized I couldn't find it in my WorkFlowy.
Eʏʏʏᴍᴏɴᴅ Osᴡᴇʟʟ
It is now safely bundled with this plurk under "CC'S Economics Lessons."
Pumpqueen Fall
You are beautiful and ilu
Eʏʏʏᴍᴏɴᴅ Osᴡᴇʟʟ
As a side note, I'm reading that Parable of Palm Oil article anyway because why not, and I'm shocked by the chart further down that lists the number of people living in extreme poverty in various countries.
Eʏʏʏᴍᴏɴᴅ Osᴡᴇʟʟ
Specifically, holy shit China.
Pumpqueen Fall
Indeed. China is the most extreme of circumstances because having such a high population and trying to move 3rd world to 1st world with no in between, pollution, capitalism fighting the communism, and is a general model in amplifying all economics on a bigger scale.
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Useful in highlighting.
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MY HOPE is if I can pull this off, China will benefit the most from the policies/concepts because they have the most money, most to gain, least to lose, and they've already tried practically everything else >>;
Pumpqueen Fall
Great Depression: American Social Policy - Social Welfare History... new to me, but GREAT breakdown of the Great Depression & following policies etc.
Pumpqueen Fall
My favorite part of the Palm oil thing though there like 3 places I giggled at
Pumpqueen Fall
"what about jobs?!" /graphs "LOL"