Dead Mentors
[voltron] A question that I'm really hoping gets answered in season 3:
Dead Mentors
That escape attempt Shiro remembers towards the end of season 1, where he memorized the sentry routes, that obviously wasn't an actually successful attempt, right? Because his actual escape was when Ulaz freed him. So, like, what happened to fuck that one up?
Dead Mentors
I mean, it could just be that he mistimed things a little or he ran into somebody alive that he wasn't expecting, but MY BET is he blew it to help somebody else escape, because damned if that isn't the most Shiro possible thing to do.
Dead Mentors
Put all this fucking time and effort into a plan to escape this torture and misery he's endured for nearly a year, a plan that could only possibly work once, and just chuck the whole thing into the shitter for somebody else's sake, he absolutely would.
Dead Mentors
Yeah there's a bit where he avoids some sentries, but it looks very reactionary, he's not shown tapping out the timing like he does in season one.
Dead Mentors
Also the Ulaz escape was not planned (by him) so it's dubious he could get the right timing starting from scratch like that especially considering that he was kind of drugged at the time.
Dead Mentors
Something I also wonder is how close together the two escapes are. :|a There's no real evidence for the timing, but it sure would be tidy if what Ulaz was supposed to be doing was punishing him for trying to escape.
Dead Mentors
I'm kind of toying with the idea that, like, it could be something to do with the Blue Lion instead, though. :|a Like... we know the Galra found out the Blue Lion was on Earth, Ulaz said as much, and considering that the original Takashi Shirogane piloted Blue, Shiro is probably compatible enough
Dead Mentors
to pilot it, or at least, certainly more so than, like, any Galra would be, considering the likely traits Blue looks for in a pilot, so it makes me wonder if maybe Ulaz was supposed to be doing something to... idk, ensure Shiro would get Blue for the Galra.
Dead Mentors
idk I'm not sure about it. I'm a long way off yet from getting to this in this fic I'm working on, but I definitely need to figure something out to go with. Hrm hrm hrm.
Dead Mentors
Well, Lion compatibility is based mostly in the nature of one's quintessence, so you can guess at it without actually having the Lion in question handy, /gestures to Allura assigning the Paladins right away, and Haggar can probably figure out the nature of a person's quintessence, so /gestures
Dead Mentors
I don't think you can test positive for lion piloting in "general" though? Like, each Lion has its own things it looks for in a pilot, the compatibility is very specific.
Dead Mentors
I think she's keyed into quintessence enough to at least be able to generally profile people.
Dead Mentors
I never got the impression it was much of a secret. :|a Certainly at least Zarkon should know and be able to pass that info along, right?
Dead Mentors
OK NOW THAT PLURK'S BACK, I'm not sure I'm following where the problem is? Do you think the compatibility is more complicated than, like "Hunk has a kind nature (i.e. quintessence) so he gets the kind lion, Pidge has a curious nature, so she gets the curious lion"?
Dead Mentors
Isn't that just a point in favor of it being that simple, then, though???
Dead Mentors
I don't think it's that there weren't any compatible Galra, I think it's just that Red rejected them, regardless of whether or not they were compatible, because Red is picky like that.
Dead Mentors
Compatibility doesn't mean the Lions have to agree to be piloted, or else Keith would've been able to get into Red right away.
Dead Mentors
He's compatible with Red regardless, but he still had to prove himself to it.
Dead Mentors
Compatibility is a potential, not a guarantee.
Dead Mentors
I mean, it's not like any joe schmoe could pilot Green just by being smart enough, there's probably, like, a degree of how strong someone's quintessence would have to be to it, too, that's also part of the compatibility.
Dead Mentors
Anyway I poked at this fic a good bit while plurk was down and I'm finally actually getting into the medical torture bits and I'm like
Dead Mentors
Only took me 6 entire pages....