However, it hasn’t all been martinis and chillaxing in the Cameron household since the hut arrived.
“There’s been a bit of a fight already,” Cameron said. “My children want to use it as a Wendy house. I want to use it as a book writing room and my son wants it as an alternative bedroom. So, quite a lot of competition.”
當初是太太莎曼紗提議買一個小屋,然後大衛說交給他,還跑去Google。w 更有趣的是業主還正好是他任內的退休金政策改版之受惠者。
伊頓公學同學會 打獵 鮑里斯強森 紐約 演講 前首相的回憶錄
However, it hasn’t all been martinis and chillaxing in the Cameron household since the hut arrived.
“There’s been a bit of a fight already,” Cameron said. “My children want to use it as a Wendy house. I want to use it as a book writing room and my son wants it as an alternative bedroom. So, quite a lot of competition.”