Darth Imperious
Murder moogle
High Spirits (1988)
Watch the first like three minutes. You'll know why I was thinking of this movie just now. (LOL)
Darth Imperious
(On a random note, Liam Neeson is in it.)
I use to adore that movie <3
Darth Imperious
Yeah, same here. I'd rewatch it, but I only have it on videotape. Can't exactly shove that in my PS2. XD;
Murder moogle
what, all the rain?
Murder moogle
Or the mention of Malibu?
Darth Imperious
Malibu, yup.
Darth Imperious
"The number of stamps alone is mind-boggling!" etc. XD
Darth Imperious
Well, that movie just ate the last hour and a half or so.