Ainsley ☄
TDL 4/11/17

Ainsley ☄
- Eudio tags

Ainsley ☄
- Medietas tags

Ainsley ☄
^ with those two I will have all my stuff in April

Ainsley ☄
- Steve log with options: gallery, Eurus, a bar, the Compound & the Mean Princess

Ainsley ☄
- throw Jane at the SCIENTISTS thing

Ainsley ☄
I need to do something with Mako

Ainsley ☄
anyone want her?

Ainsley ☄
I'm trying to do this through a lovely headache that is starting to make me

⧗ widow.
for headache

⧗ widow.
just got back to bro's and picked up dinner from whole foods. I think I just needed to hydrate and eat

Ainsley ☄
yeah I'm hydrating & have caffeine & meds

⧗ widow.

Zestium Beam!
I could definitely have some Kendall stuff with Jane if you want science nerds

Zestium Beam!
and of course Kamala needs to officially sign up for a job with Steve

Ainsley ☄

Ainsley ☄
there will be a Steve log. he's going to be upset

Zestium Beam!
you're going to get a hug steve, which is hilarious since she probably wouldn't hug 616

Ainsley ☄

Ainsley ☄
MCU needs the hugs