TMW your boss asks you to make a bunch of little changes to a complicated document, not realizing that (in order to get consistent headers) you actually hand-created a bunch in photoshop....not in Word.
I finished with 15 min to spare. lol
Yale Sale → I feel like you will empathize with this, even if this wasn't a misunderstanding from obliviousness on my boss's part.
We have been working on a giant NEH Grant report for the POWRR project in the library
And, thanks to the political atmosphere around funding right now, everything has to be as perfect as we can get it.
My boss asked me to copy edit their draft, as well as do the basic prettifying (normalizing headers/pagination, compiling the Appendices, etc)
I kept as much in a single document as possible, but the bulk of the Appendices were outside PDFs that had to be combined into the main document...so that immediately means no pagination, no headers, etc. And I wanted it to still be clear when one artifact ended and another began
....so I typed out the headers in word and turned each of them into little jpgs that I could put on the top of the Appendices with Adobe Pro (since it lets you play with PDFs a bit more)
Boss LOVED it....except she wanted the order of things changed, and a few things shortened, and needed me to change the page numbering. /sob
so I had to redo my headers as well as play "relocate the pages without fucking things up"
I feel this. When I was in my museum exhibit class, the prof insisted that I turn in all the labels I made as word documents. Which... is a stupid way to make museum labels
so I made them the way I wanted and them copy and pasted them into word
photoshop is a magical program
Yale Sale →
oh I feel this ;;