Kenadee Reign
Ok so my fiancé and I have been together (living together) over four years and actually together together for 6.... engaged 3 years last month. Have a beautiful baby together and my 7 year old whom adores him and refers to him as dad by his own choice... welllllll we are getting married in two weeks. FINALLY! But...
Kenadee Reign
His mother (whom claims to love me as her own and I've always been super welcoming and loving too) is constantly trying to talk him (and I on occasion) out if getting married. More than once but this time we are doing it.
Kenadee Reign
Well today he calls her while he's out and she is at it again!!! Like I'm so hurt and upset but what can I do?!?!
Kenadee Reign
We get along really well, she just randomly tries to convince us we shouldn't get married. And it's awful
that's so weird. Well she will just have to get used to the idea
you all are GETTING MARRIED! Congrats on that!
Kenadee Reign
We paid for her plane ticket and hotel to come to our wedding, but I'm seriously considering telling her if she can't be positive to not come and that seems horrible to do but ugh
Kenadee Reign
kesseret : thank you!!
RoseBun Foofoo
im so sorry :<
what she wants doesn't matter. Its between you and him. Let her hate.
it possible she's just kinda feeling the 'cold feet' waters? And she's not a royal douchebag ???
What could her reasons for not getting married POSSIBLY be?! And whatever, it's clear that you two have an amazing, love-filled life together, yuo do you.
if she really thinks you guys shouldn't get married, she's pretty much got not a single choice inthe matter.
she can come and bask in the joy of her child's wedding and happiness or stay at home and be miserable, I think she's just playing devils advocate, you said yourself you guys got along
Maybe she's just projecting her own marriage doubts on your marriage
I say just you and your husband sit her down and say we are getting married stop trying to talk us out of it.
Fiancé I mean
Kenadee Reign
Ok so I honestly think its because, he's the baby and she has this wild idea that something will happen and he will come back home or something..
Congrats! You do what's best for you. I'm so sorry. I've actually had a thought time not bringing a certain person to mine because of her negativity.
Kenadee Reign
I don't want to do that to him and "uninvite" her but its making me so ugh to even think of her being there.
Kenadee Reign
We are kind of eloping too lol ok so we've always put it off because we haven't had time to plan anything Big... one day early January I decided why.. my parents got married in Vegas over 20 years ago
Kenadee Reign
They gave the strongest marriage I know.. so I did let's take our parents and go get married at the exact same place my parents did. That's so romantic to me
Kenadee Reign
Have not gave lol
I'd seriously just have a little reality check with her through your husband before you feel like you need to tell her she shouldn't come.
Or with both of you either way. Just say this is happening whether she is excited about it or not and that you would appreciate her support rather than having to deal with her negativity.
Kenadee Reign
Exactly, I think we will need to do that because I want her there, I love her... I just don't want to feel like she's crying on the inside at our wedding D:
Sometimes it's hard for parents to let go. I don't think it's a reflection of you at all. One of those I can't believe my baby is all grown up things.
Kenadee Reign
Thank you guys for your support and advice. I honestly feel so much better
<3 you should be happy!!!!!! Congrats again.
Kenadee Reign
kesseret : ty!! I mean he lets me have all the red gummy bears... it has to be real love lol
Congrats to you both
Kenadee Reign
Lilly : thank you!!
Jaecinda Palm
congrats! I feel like all mothers(in law) get like that(mine are weirdo lol), but when the wedding comes she will be there and beaming with happiness
This happened when my husband and I tried to get married also... His mother and sister were constantly telling him to not get married to me.. Sometimes you just gotta do what you want to do because they arent going to be married to you.. you will be married to each other and honestly its not anyone else's business
Kenadee Reign
Anderian : thank you for sharing that... I know it will be ok in the end, how frustrating though right lol
Kenadee Reign
[ amelia ]
Congrats on your upcoming wedding!! how so exciting for you and yours.. sorry your MIL isn't on side... do what makes you both happy!!.. congrats again!
Kenadee Reign
[ amelia ] : thank you lovely!