YOU CAN DO IT. I found my main head in fiore and i'm super happy with it. Now to transform my malt into my own people, it's a bit hard BUT WE WILL GET THERE
With fiore, you buy the head shapes you like - i think they're called angel, doll...something else. And any appliers you get will work across all the heads. I don't have a standalone avi pic, so pardon the ads:
i just love it so much it makes sl a whole different experience for me for some reason. Being the right ethnicity in game. Who would have thought. I'm probably sounding super weird haha
: Nah man. I've been trying to be Asian for years, but the skins back then didn't really vary for Asians. So the best I've been able to manage is a psuedo asian lol.
And then same head, but with a different applier: