Sol Raveh Mods
Another wild Mod Plurk appears! So there have been talks about a clearing of the darkness log with one turtleDove ! This is a modplurk for everyone who does not have her to be able to take part in this as well!
Sol Raveh Mods
Sorry, hit enter too early...
Sol Raveh Mods
Sol Raveh Mods
For those who don't know, or just to reiterate: we will be doing something to push back the Starscourge and make it so that others do not get sick/turn into daemons.
Sol Raveh Mods
It will return, however when it does it will be different. More avoidable and possibly curable with the right people(not just a single person but other actual players)
Sol Raveh Mods
The log that will be doing this will, hopefully, be taking place between the end of this month and the beginning of next month to give the castle time to return to normal before any sort of plot begins again.
Sol Raveh Mods
"normal" was the castle ever really normal?
Sol Raveh Mods
Anyways! Point is, things are in the works and we wanted to put this plurk up to invite others in on it!
Sol Raveh Mods
Obviously we want as many of our wonderful players to be a part of things, we love seeing you all work together!
hanukah nipples
scurries in
cloud crocs
I know I offered Ryuji for what ever happens. He powered up a light shield back in the day =D
Can I jack this for a second to ask how under the new system this might effect people like, say, the Links?
Links have a history of taking on beast forms when exposed to elemental darkness and that could be fun to play with
cloud crocs
We don't have everything worked out yet so....we can't really say? However once we do we will be having an info post where you can ask questions as needed. Promise! And it will be before the event ever drops.
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I offered Ken, however I've already established him as sick. Are the sick people going to stay sick? I delayed doing any sort of monster stuff because of... /general wavy arms at everything
cloud crocs
there is a chance of people being healed by this should their players want to
cloud crocs
either healed, staved off, or not. We are leaving it completely up to the players
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how about no
I also offered maka! she's idk pseudo descendent of nephilim maybe
how about no
how about no
ravio is useless since he's a dark type
how about no
(also because he's ravio)
Both of my ladies are normal types, but can help with guarding type jobs?
how about no
Not true, they're trainers with the most effective steel/fire type pokemon of all: gun
Hello, yes, I play Dove, hence the name
if you don't have me, add me I need more friends after this plurk cut
But yes! Archangel is going to 'splode, be it intentional or completely by accident :'D and we thought it might be a convenient good way to pull a redo on the Scourge plot
For background info for people I haven't played with so many of you!!! /wails : Dove was just a guardian and through a series of Unfortunate events, has been thrust into role as THE Archangel in her world, giving her all the cosmic mighty powers of Light.
... she's has no training at all and can't use them worth squat, aside from her fire birthright, and she's been holding it all back conceal don't feel type stuff since she got to the castle which was... X number of months ago
SO here in the castle, now that it's all dark and scary, her Light is reacting big time and she's not going to be able to fight it anymore-- which is great! Kinda.
So I guess we all really need to decide if her explosion is intentional (as in she can feel it coming and is reaching out to people to make good use of it before it happens) or if something triggers it bigtime and she just splodes.
(I lean toward intentional because of coordination with everyone. I wanna see all the characters dance)
If you want demon-form Dante to be involved in this in any way let me know (if not that's fine too of course).
Take on Mint
If I'm understanding this right, other characters are involved because essentially, Dove's explosion will somehow affect the light-alignments or such of other characters?
how about no
if I'm remembering right, tori explained that dove will feel off and ask for assistance with her abilities overflowing
how about no
I offered maka to resonate with her for example
'Light' in her world is energy so... really any elemental could participate.
how about no
being in direct contact with an angel's soul would not be the best idea but better than some
Kinda like the Force almost
how about no
somewhere in between a light bomb gets triggered and attacks the darkness
I know once it's overtaken her anyone exposed to it will definitely feel it's effects
(I should also note that this was going to happen to her anyway as a personal character development plot, but it fit well into the current circumstances too, so I'm SUPER willing to bend things around to make it work for everyone.)
(I DO NOT in ANY way want Dove to monopolize things. She's just a catalyst.)
If there was a way to beacon the demons in to one place, it could make for a killer fight log.
If Dove is aware of it starting to be too much (and she is) she can beg for help. If the other characters can channel it and put it to good use instead of it becoming something destructive that would her her out a lot ;A;
Too much of a good thing is a Very Bad thing
........part of me is picturing that scene in guardians of the galaxy where they all Link hands and the power nearly kills them all--
Psi : and of course I do!!! Though this might hurt him too D:
And I'm... not sure what she'll be able to do after all this yet.
I'd REALLY love to go ahead and get this log up this weekend if you guys think it's doable.
I am okay with Dante getting hurt I think that'd be interesting
Yes :3
If you want Sara or Alex for anything, let me know. They'll bring their Fire/Steel pokemans.
Maybe think of it as a power surge? Like... a really, really big one for elementals. Humans should feel it too, though. It's the same source as the warm fuzzies she's gives off on a normal day, but extremely protective and dangerous
Sans no
Dragons everywhere.
how about no
Sans for a moment becomes the god of hyperdeath
Megliovania plays somwehere
people are confused
Mundanite : oooh the fire would get a boost! It's a 'living' element so her Light would definitely affect it
And omg yes Sans please
Sans has felt the fuzziness of Light before
Cats + XmasTree
I can offer up Hubert to help with the light. He has some light based attacks and healing artes
XD well, I know Dove won't be standing right back up after all this
/slowmotion collapse with wings
Cats + XmasTree
I have another (better) healer guy I plan to bring in on the next app cycle.
I.... think this can be set up where people can make their own threads? Mods, would her Light starting to go haywire attract the daemons at all? They feed on it right? or is my brain remembering fake things
Or even if the characters just prep to take back parts of the castle again/do a push knowing there's a burst coming
So it's not one giant thread, is lots of little ones with people experiencing boosts??? /simply thoughts
Like. One log different group threads maybe
cloud crocs
no they do not. The starscourge absorbs light(photophilic particles do) how ever daemons are hurt by the light so they avoid it.
Okay, cool. So that won't work XD
cloud crocs
for those with more, one on one skills we could have threads for them to try to heal the sick uaing the amplifier? just an idea don't know how week it fits in lol
Cats + XmasTree : /grabby hands
Light bomb <3
Maybe someone could lead a daemon (or shadow!) hunt if they all know a boost is coming
I'm just spewing a zillion thoughts help me pare down
Guardian Bear J
Colin's still got light traps in places if they need it to give Daemons a bad time.
((If they have bulbs, Dove might break them on accident :c Power surge wise))
Guardian Bear J
Colin mutters and recruits people to gather fragments.
Guardian Bear J
If only it were glass, but no, he had to use stronger materials. XD
XD that's good though! It's up to you if they bust
Luring them into traps though would be brilliant if you want to coordinate that. I'm going to put up a Dove post on the network but Colin should DEFINITELY do a thread in the main log
cloud crocs
depending on the power source Sollux could help with the lights. he's a living battery basically.
Guardian Bear J
He'll certainly put it out there. :-D He's got generators going for his lights, but more is usually better.
Guardian Bear J
Assuming Sollux is willing. Colin has no intention of press-ganging someone into power generation.
cloud crocs
he powered a meteor across paradox space, he can handle a few lights in before he pushes himself too hard because Sollux what the Fuck
cloud crocs : is Dante still around? His angel side might wig out
cloud crocs
yes he is and I don't know if it would or not, different worlds and all that /shrug
Actually, Dante and Dante might have even seen this coming, depending on how that Christmas talk went
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CASPER. Where be Casper.
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Whatcha need?
NekoInc, MSPM
I'll need to figure out what I'm doing with my two in time hre...
Rob's Pokémon have several light-emitting moves so they'll be able to join in. Rob just has a light-manipulating magic item that's going to blow up in his face from all this extra energy
Winter's ice powers do purification damage, so I'd imagine they probably would be amplified by this, although I imagine she'll also probably get drunk on it herself, possibly literally? I dunno, options.