Behold, Bento: Mesmerizing, Fully Articulating SL Avatar Wings


Why does everyone have to be in underwear looking outfits and why just females? No ofense to females..... never mind I said anything.

Jett Roxan
because angels

Jett Roxan
I've seen three different bento wings now... we've come a long way... when I first started in sl wings were just a single texture...

Jett Roxan
and I thought they were sexy then.

Good point Bloodfang. All these female human-only avies in barely there undies or swimwear and tiny thongs.

You can actually wear your lovely new Bento wings with clothes on, folks. There are many, many different clothing options available, so keep your norks warm and save yourselves from a trip to the doctor!

LOL. I want to blog other Bento stuff, female or otherwise, undies showing or otherwise -- send me links!