"what if greg was hot again and also we had like two months worth of greg-only episodes is that cool, you know how much tumblr wants to fuck young greg"
I had read somewhere that in designing Flynn from Tangled, his design came out of asking a bunch of female animators "so what's hot in a guy" to come up with an idealized figure for female gaze.
and over all bOTH ARE REALLY STUCK IN THE CONSEQUENCE OF BEING A DIAMOND which is to say it's pretty clear neither of them can even comprehend the idea of things being more than 'things'
pearls are sort of in a weird place socially because on one hand they are considered OBJECTS and belongings in a way that other gems seem to be less so
I also wonder how much untapped power a gem really has tbh like there are things Pearl has done for example that I'm Not sure would be acceptable for a standard Pearl to -do- :|a
I suspect Rose Quartz was either special as far as Rose Quartzes go for some reason, or that Rose Quartzes as a whole were some kind of special uber gem class made by Pink DIamond
healing is obviously special as a Rose Quartz trait, but the shield also seems notable, and things like the empathy and dreamwalking is like "what is this doing here, why"
also, are the jasper-colored gems that are buff like they should be jaspers, too? or are they maybe 'hideous, off color' amethysts from the beta kindergarten
yeah like... is her gem just shaped like that? perfectly smooth and round? and the skinniness is unrelated? or is the shape of her gem a symptom of the poor conditions she grew from
also most of the gems we've seen are flat and cut the same on both sides, whereas some of the gems they've collected are pointed on the backside like a traditional diamond
like there are things Pearl has done for example that I'm
Not sure would be acceptable for a standard Pearl to -do- :|a
and Hrmn :/a
Seems to have just heard 'quartz'