#RogueOne is a mindless action blockbuster w/ unnecessary drama and almost non-existent chara dev. The real film starts at the last 45 minutes. First 85 minutes is wandering pointlessly. Possible spoilers
Despite having the Rogue One team as the center of the film, there is no Rogue One team. There is only a bunch of ragtags with a noble mission.
Jyn Erso, the reluctant heroine, was originally uninterested being involved in the whole Rebellion vs Empire conflict. But after a life-changing event only there she started to be interested.
The problem is: she got interested too early. Just a moment after her newfound spirit, there is another moment that should have kickstarted Jyn.
This reminds me of similar sequence in Avengers Age of Ultron SPOILER disinterested Scarlet Witch being mentored by Hawkeye just a moment before Quicksilver's death.
SPOILER instead of utilizing Quicksilver's death as the turning point of Scarlet Witch's spirit, the film resort to Hawkeye being Mario Teguh.
Back to Force Awakens: the trademark quip you see in the trailer, "I rebel," actually got cut off in the final release. So the rebellious Jyn presented in the trailer isn't that rebellious.
This is one of the problem with character development in the film: we don't get to see how Jyn react with her surrounding. We don't get to know who she actually was, her relationship w/ her mentor.
The problem with this character development also happen for the long duration of the film: how the characters bond with each other.
In the long course of the adventures of Rogue One, we don't actually see them working as a team.
There are only Jyn and Cassian and K-2SO, the Force fanboys duo Chirrut and Baze, and the unfortunate ex-Imperial pilot Bodhi Rook stuck in this ragtag group.
Despite having them wandering around together for 85 minutes, the film doesn't give them enough screen time to work as a team.
So, unlike the solid team we see in Star Wars The Force Unleashed (the game), or maybe other Disney-published film Guardians of the Galaxy, we see here a dysfunctional team who just happen to band together.
They are willing to die for a cause, but it's unclear how willing they are to protect each other's back. Yes - because in the course of the movie they only act for the friends they already know.
Speaking of characters, the film also has some unnecessary drama and characters taking dumb decision. The film starts with a really unnecessary death which can be prevented.
Felicity Jones acting as Jyn Erso is a bit jarring. She is a better written character compared to Rei in Force(d) Awakens, but Jones don't seem to act her properly.
In universe, the film also has several weird take on the Star Wars canon. First is Chirrut's constant praying to the Force. No one prayed to the Force before. Force is not God, you don't pray to Him.
Another weirdness is the jumping to the hyperspace plot device. Like in The Force(d) Awakens, jumping to hyperspace is utilized as a too convenient deus ex machina: it can be done while in atmosphere.
In Star Wars canon (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) you can only jump while in the orbit. The lack of security in Imperial-occupied planets also look very jarring. How can rebel ships slip into the planets that easily?
Despite all that, the last 1/3 part of the film is exciting, albeit using some cliched plot device (romance, main goal being sidelined by petty challenges). The space battle is fine.
The tactic with Hammerhead-class cruiser is, while ridiculous, still more satisfying than the one-fighter-destroy-one-SSD-by-crashing in OT.
All in all, not bad, but not that good either. As for the weird tone in first 2/3 of the film, I suspect there is Disney's part in here. Them ordering reshoot to make it more "fun and light-hearted".
I like Rogue One better than Force Awakens tho
elang¨sawah™ : yup me too. Rogue One is a much better film than Force Awakens. But it's still not a great one.
Sour Lemon
x@li.br : TFU best Star Wars
stay indoors
event apa yg bikin Jyn tertarik? another moment yg mana? how willing ragtag group member protect each other emang penting ya? misi singkat bgt kan, yg penting cause nya sama?
stay indoors
plotnya gak ada romance ah, gw lupa jyn cassian ciuman apa pelukan doang? romance yg mana? tone nya gw rasa ngga fun and light
stay indoors
coba bahas Fantastic Beasts dong #OOT
Sour Lemon
stay indoors : spoiler aja ya, mbak udah nonton kan (thinking) Another moment itu ketika Saw Gerrera memutuskan untuk mati. Ceritanya kan dia mentor (meski kita gak pernah ditunjukin hubungan mereka)
Urutannya kan: Jyn galau ngelait rekaman bapaknya, terus dia harus pergi, terus Saw memutuskan untuk mati, baru di git motivated. urutannya lebih efektif kalo Saw memutuskan untuk mati, lalu dia nonton
Rekaman bapaknya itu di pesawat. Jadi enggak yang ups and downs bertele2. Makanya saya ambil perbandingannya Ultron karena Ultron itu polanya juga gitu. Harusnya QS mati duluan baru SW git motivated.
stay indoors : soal tim, penting lah mbak, karena tanpa gitu ya gak kerasa kalo mereka itu tim. Gak kelihatan mereka kerja sebagai tim. Cuma berasa kayak sekumpulan orang aja yg ngumpul ngerjain tugas.
Bandingin sama Guardians of Galaxy yang isinya juga sama2 ragtag, yang aslinya mereka gak punya urusan satu sama lain tapi harus ngerjain satu hal yg sama. Di situ ada bonding, ada development sbg tim.
Makanya cocok kalo mereka judulnya "Guardians of Galaxy" karena ya mereka memang tim "Guardians of Galaxy". Rogue One, judulnya aja Rogue One tapi gak keliatan lah kerja mereka sbg tim.
Kalo judulnya "Jyn Erso, Casian, and some of their friends" sih masih mending. Rogue One is a not performing, dysfunctional team.
Efeknya dua di sini:-Penonton. Gak ada bonding di antara mereka jd gak keliatan kalo ini kerja tim. Kl ada yang mokad ya penonton sedih krn "uuh individu ini mokad". Tp bkn krn "gila anggota tim ini mati"
stay indoors
tp jgn dysfunctional team bgt lah nyebutnya, yg kurang kan bondingnya, tp utk tujuan yg sama gw rasa mereka rela kerja sama bgt
Bahkan sebenernya saya ragu apa emang ada penonton yg relate sama karakter2 di Rogue One (selain Jyn dan Casian yg ganteng itu mungkin), karena hampir gak ada character dev sama sekali ke yg lain
Bahkan kl ngomongin Chirrut & Baze itu gak jelas motivasinya selain karena Jheda udah diancurin. Mereka menarik krn ada gimmick Force, tapi bagaimana mereka sbg orang itu gak ditunjukin
Kedua bagi in-universe orang2 di Rebellion-nya sendiri: ketika mereka modar, siapa yg dikenang? Enggak ada "tim Rogue One" yg dikenang sebagai pemberi informasi penting soal Death Star
Cuma sebagai, "oh ya kemarin itu ada tuh anaknya ilmuwannya Death Star kita dapet info ini dari dia". Yang lain nameless, gak kenal
Makanya saya ambil perbandingan sama timnya Galen Marek dkk di The Force Unleashed, itu beda banget kerjanya. Tim mereka dikenang, ketika ada yang mokad jg lebih relate bagi gamer
stay indoors : Soal tone, ini fun and light lah kalo Gareth Edwards (sutradaranya) sempet bilang "kita mau bikin film kayak Band of Brothers". Band of Brothers apanya ini, cuma di terakhir2 doang (haha)
2/3 film ini isnya cuma drama dan petualangannya Jyn Erso mondar-mandir ke berbagai planet, jauh banget dari tone Band of Brothers yang diincer film ini pada awalnya. Curiganya gara2 harus reshoot jadi ngaco.
stay indoors : Fantastic Beast blm nonotn mbak, nanti deh liburan ini (thinking)
Sour Lemon : TFU no contest lah
stay indoors
jyn cassian jg ga ada relation dev menurut gw (thinking) fantastic beasts lbh krik lg #plak
stay indoors
mgkn rogue 1 memang msh "bolong" sana sini tp ada misi dan gimana perjalanan misi itu, mantap sih \m/
stay indoors : justru point-nya di bonding-nya mbak, apalagi ini konteksnya pernag kan, camaraderie itu penting banget. Oke mungkin gak semua tim bisa goes along,
tapi bahkan apakah ada konflik, interaksi mereka seperti apa pada isu tertentu, itu gak kelihatan. Yg kelihatan cuma "oh si Chirrut ini religious Force baca doa terus, oh Cassian ini setia," dst
Harusnya nyaris 1,5 jam di awal itu dipake buat bonding mereka, buat nunjukin gimana sih kalo mereka menghadapi suatu isu bersama2. Ketimbang Jyn yang drama sama bapaknya itu
Misi mencuri Death Star itu emang keren, oke lah. Cuma sayang baru kerasa di 45 menit terakhir.