tea’s gone cold
Anyone else have trouble looking at things they like in case the memory gets permanently linked to how you're feeling right now?
tea’s gone cold
It's like how they give chemo patients boiled sweets before treatment so the body links the nausea conditioning with the sweets and not food they like
tea’s gone cold
I have been listening exclusively to mediocre, so-cool-I-have-no-feelings edm on Radio 1/1X
i don't know man i've been throwing everything i can at this
including things i like, just trying to distract myself
the honored one
when i'm really sad or anxious i always worry about what music i'm listening so i don't link the song with that moment later
Lady Stardust
tea’s gone cold
nope, i am too much of a baby to wiki vandal
tea’s gone cold
"His political leanings are that of a man with a head injury who screams at bins."
Lady Stardust
this is gold
all technically accurate!