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Things that I love about Star Ocean 4
Princess Emily
this looks about right
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>The fact that, as far as I can tell, Earth humans are normal humans, but space alien humans are anime people
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>The fact that the party literally time traveled to America in the 50s and may be the aliens trapped in Area 51
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>The fact that you use a sword instead of a gun because on the first planet you visit the aliens have a magnetic barrier that blocks bullets
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...and then you continue using a sword and no guns long after leaving that planet
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>Edge has an extended conversation with a cat, entirely via meows, and gets a healing item for his troubles
lazy loafer
I... Am tempted to pick this game up. Is it alright?
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it's terrible
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one of the worst RPGs I've ever seen
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the writing is garbage and the story is garbage and the gameplay is middling to bad
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trust me my liking things about it is 100% ironic
Is there a good fuckthrough of it
lazy loafer
Oh I just read the Area 51 thing and that sounded wild. Criminy
lazy loafer
Rpg in 50s America coulda been promising
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there is, but it's not finished yet, one sec
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it really picks up on the second planet
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if the heroes being in area 51 sounds awesome, I'll clarify that they're there to rescue a catgirl
"Episode 29: I hate the concept of video games" oh boy
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oh god yeah that
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that dungeon
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really tests the LPers
hey Motoi Sakuraba, should have a decent soundtrack at least
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in the SA thread they were like
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"We almost didn't post the videos for this dungeon because it's so awful that we couldn't work up the energy to be funny anymore"
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"But the world must know"
Every time they say this guy's name, all I can hear is the Catherine voice saying EDGE
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possibly the weirdest thing this game does, to me
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is let you rename characters
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while having full voice that still says the original names
hey Motoi Sakuraba, should have a decent soundtrack at least you forget that Sakuraba reuses the same five tracks ad nauseum for every star ocean game
My salt for how samey the SO/VP soundtracks were at times is pretty high considering I know he can do better, he's done better
Well I've never played a Star Ocean game, so.
fair enough.
dragon time
lazy loafer : I think that's shadow hearts 3
EsperBot the mission commander voiced by fucking SCHWARTZWALD
/one wikipedia search later
He is!
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Update, I met Meracle
You're Quinner I met Meracle and I want to die
iirc things are about to get nuts
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ABOUT to get nuts?
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what have I been watching for the last 30 videos
dragon time
oh no
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welcome to hell