he'll want to revitalize Gyro even for just a moment. I think lately what with Violet/Lee coming out to him about his identity as a Mongrel and all the hoops and jumps he had to go
Mother fucking...... I like this, also because it'll renew the UST he has for him. Buut also be a good move to mold him into having a more.. uhh.. healthy-ish? relationship with him
I'll get to everything tomorrow I'm just so burnt out today lol will try to take it easy tonight at work and just not push myself or... stress out about things I can't control
LOL Probably will keep him with Dark hard in public yeah. I think he's at a point where he knows he'll get flack for accidentally brushing by Elites and being a pet
Y-yeah I know ;; it's perfectly understandable given how he feels about the entire dynamic of pets vs masters. It's degrading and people willingly going into it are idiots. Ivan was deceived into thinking it
Still hemming and hawing throwing a last minute post in the monster event, I don't care about being late, I just wanna torture him some more ,_,'' maybe
YOU TWO ARE FINE. I'm never bothered! Yeah I know back in the day I used to get irritated but I've mellowed out over the years I swear. It's very very hard to bother me.
I've just been having what you call a rough start. Like I uprooted my life and replanted myself and goddamn finally the soil is settling. Right now I don't fucking like not having Cinders around to
I know it sounds like codependency but it's like because I shared this hobby with her for so long it's weird not having her around and just like always having that instant gratification and feedback and idk I
probably yesi don't see any comments on the tdm!
or more