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I don't understand how my boss' brain works.
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I was already mumbling under my breath about how she just puts new inventory back on the shelf without rhyme or reason...
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Didn't bother folding up our new Cypress pouches, just stuffed the whole bundle in the middle of a bunch of Vintage pouches...
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IN THE MIDDLE of the Vintage pouches, like, smack dab.
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It makes way more sense to put them each in their own sections... You know, so we can tell how much we have of each kind... And so that we can find them when we need them...
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Because then they aren't IN THE MIDDLE of another pattern.
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BUT the thing that really got me just now is that she showed me a revised ad she submitted for a magazine, which looks way better than the old one...
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But at the bottom she added something like, Come say hi at hello@companyname.com
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and she's like, "Does this work? "
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and I'm like, "...I don't know, do we have a "hello at" email address?"
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And she does, "Well... What do we have to do to make one?"
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And I say nothing because 1) why would you submit something that advertises an email address that doesn't exist yet and 2) I'm sorry did she just think that emails self-generate if you type them out or what
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And she goes, "Oh... Oh no, we have to pay for another address, don't we?" As she realizes the mistake she's just made...
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So I tell her that... Yeah, she'll either have to pay for another company email address like she did with mine, set up a free one with gmail or something, or just use her own email address...
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But now she has to email these guys to get them to make another edit to this ad when she's already asked them to change it a couple times...
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She doesn't want her company email address to get spammed, because she doesn't seem to know that you can send spam to a spam folder and it'll stop going to your inbox...
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I just...
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I can't believe she just MADE UP an email address and thought it'd be fine to figure out if it worked or not later...?
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I've read so many Clients from Hell stories that at this point I can pretty much assure y'all that my boss is one of them.
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She's already convinced herself that Photoshop is Easy and that I should do all of her graphics work on top of all the other stuff I do (I keep refusing on account of having no time).
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Life lesson: sometimes it's a good idea to not show off how talented you are, because then your boss thinks you can do anything.
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SHE'S JUST... one of those people that says, "Let's just try it and see what happens! We'll figure it out as we go!"
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Which is a great attitude for life in general but maybe not so much for business.
I mean ... I think that's kind of how my job works, but they're very careful and practiced in how they test these new ideas
And they monitor it closely for a planned amount of time to see if it helps or not
She just kind of sounds like she has an idea and runs with it without considering .... anything ... at all lol
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That's her...
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It's just like how she advertised and started taking orders for her new bag design... when she hadn't even finished the prototype yet...
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I'm always like "what did you think would happen" but I really don't think that she ever... considers... what will happen when she does stuff.
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She lives entirely in the present tense and doesn't really think forward to things like consequences or "I wonder if we have a chance of feasibly pulling this off."
I don't... your boss is just such a ride...
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Like even right now she's trying to figure out if she can make 200 pouches at a time for a company (we typically sell things like, 8 at a time, at the maximum).
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She made them a business proposal because she thinks it might be a good idea, but she didn't like... Check to see how much it would cost us...
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Or see if she could get all of the fabric she'd need for it...
My previous boss was like this. She set up her entire business (a sewing shop/school) because her daughter was sort of interested in fashion (she ended up going to college for law)
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Or research how long it would take...
And she could never decide wtf to do with it. She bought a ton of expensive clothes thinking it would be a boutique, except everyone in that area is poor and the clothes were like four seasons too late
Have an idea on a whim -> put a ton of money into idea -> realize it's not feasible or no one actually cares about idea -> repeat ... forever
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YEAH... Boy that does sound familiar...
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At least my boss tries to do things that she thinks people will like, and tries to keep up with trends and listen to what her reps are saying people want...
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But she also sinks a ton of money into making inventory that she stops selling just a couple of months later...
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Or advertises a product that she thinks people will want, and then... never puts it into production because she doesn't actually like making them...
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Or commissions like four-hundred aprons to be sewn when we're really, really out of pouches.
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OR AGREES TO SEND SOMEONE 200 POUCHES without doing any research into whether or not it's actually monetarily worth it.
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/scrubs face
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She's always wondering why she's out of money and I'm like well when you buy 30k worth of fabric at a time
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don't be surprised when you are 30k poorer.
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As someone who's lived most of their life with a distinct fear of negative consequences, I cannot fathom how she goes about her business lmao.
→ yard sard
→ yard sard
→ yard sard