But you won't know this if you are plugged into your TV, and you won't be outraged like you were with Paris because you haven't seen it on your TV yet. The media are brainwashing you.
Picture is from a journalist in Yemen, it's one of the poor souls who was attending the funeral and was burned to a crisp in the bomb blast. This is reality folks, whether you like it or not.
Airstrikes on Yemen funeral kill at least 140 people, UN official...
<懶人包> 葉門現在到底怎麼了
What is happening in Yemen and how Saudi Arabia's airstrikes...
葉門飢荒 飢餓的小孩在醫院與死神搏鬥
Yemen famine feared as starving children fight for lives in hospi...
#中東人權議題與人道救援 #UN聯合國調查團 #孩童權益 #為生存戰鬥 #伊朗 #代理戰爭