duck bastard
guys get me taco bell
go тo вread
oh my god
Haunted Boobs
Never underestimate the intelligence of corvids!
i love crows
Haunted Boobs
They completely understand transactions and barter. My ravens do it with me all the time.
★ тяу-нαя∂уи
i love crows
I welcome the day when corvids take over
Crows are really smart.
Haunted Boobs
Clearly they need to take lessons from this crow, though, I would appreciate them bringing me money as opposed to trash bread and empty chip bags.
I love it
Guardian Bear J
Man, I would buy that bird a taco in a heartbeat.
why do we not have more sci-fi stories where crows have evolved to a fully sapient species
duck bastard
Guardian Bear J
Because the crows would WIN in that story.
duck bastard
they would
duck bastard
crafty fuckers
yeah, they'd dominate humanity in a heartbeat
Guardian Bear J
Flight is an amazingly powerful advantage in the evolutionary playbook.
we'd stand no chance
i for one welcome our feathery overlords
Guardian Bear J
Flight + Intelligence + Uplifted Society = new dominant species.
Guardian Bear J
Also, let's just point out.
Guardian Bear J
Intelligent flying dinosaurs. Imagine that.
Guardian Bear J
We'd be so screwed. ... And now, I REALLY need to start bribing the crows. I don't wanna wind up against the wall.
oh man
Azure ☪ Moon
man I would buy that crow a taco too
Seriously, they solve puzzles some humans can't.
I love birds
Discount Gligar
These friends are amazingly smart
I would befriend a crow in a heartbeat.
HIKIKOMORTIS : Better than the alternative. They remember slights, and tell other crows.
Oh yes they do!
I have a story about that, actually. About Japanese crows. I may make my own plurk about that.
Guardian Bear J
Link here please. :-D
ArtIsArt : i'd like to hear too, pls
There have been experiments of that nature, to see if crows remember people who do bad things, and if they tell other crows.
How do I make a plurk paste?
duck bastard
i saw something online about someone who started a gang war between two flocks of crows because he was nice to one group and antagonized the other
r💀ll them b💀nes
omg no
Guardian Bear J
The great French Fry war, I remember that one.
haha yeah
E.S. Levi
There are crows somewhere that have figured out how crossing signals work and use traffic to open nuts.
King of Games
I've seen that crow.
King of Games
that's the taco bell/kfc by the comic book store.
see this is why it makes me sad to see crows vilified so often in popular culture, they're so clever and fascinating
i want to be friends with all of them
Guardian Bear J
Crows are basically amazing, yes.
Sorry for delays, paste was having issues.
ohgod, that story. good luck to every person with black hair in that school
Guardian Bear J
... Given this is Japan, that's... a lot of poor kidlets.
I love crows. The taco crow is a genius.
But man those poor students.
A Grinning DM
This reminds me of a story I saw on YouTube about a guy's "pet" Raven
A Grinning DM
Guy nurses a raven back to health, so even after he frees it it likes to hangout in his backyard 6 months a year
A Grinning DM
Next door neighbor has two golden retrievers
Living in San Francisco - I want to know where this is
A Grinning DM
Raven learns that at the same time every evening, the golden retrievers owner feeds the dogs. Raven also determines that dog food is tasty, but getting it puts him in danger of getting attacks by dogs
I want to give the crow a taco
A Grinning DM
So the raven learns to latch and unlatch the gate to the neighbor's yard.
A Grinning DM
The raven waits until the owner pours the dog food, then goes and unlatches and opens the gate, then squaks at the dogs from the other side to bait them out. Dogs run out, Raven shuts and relatches the gate
A Grinning DM
The raven eats his fill of dog food. This goes on several times, with the dog owner wondering how his dogs keep getting locked out of the yard
A Grinning DM
Finally they catch the raven at it, and had to replace the gate latch with one the raven couldn't work
Hazard Kitten
there's a crow here with a damaged wing - it can glide a short distance but hops around with that wing unfolded so yeah - it's got some kind of wing issue, but it took no shit from anyone
Hazard Kitten
not the cats, not the raccoons, not the dogs
Hazard Kitten
and I've seen a hawk swoop for it only to get assaulted by other crows
Hazard Kitten
and it would purposely bait raccoons and cats in order to steal their catch
That's awesome. That the other crows have its back.
Hazard Kitten
the crows do not like the hawks, they would harass any in their turf
Azure ☪ Moon
Who's gonna make you fall in love!!!!! -- Umbrella cockatoo & Ba... since this is a burd plurk and I thought of James when I saw it the other day
duck bastard
A Grinning DM
Well I don't remember if it is crows or a different corvid but I've seen video of corvids morning the death of one of their flock
omg everything in this plurk is golden!
now i want taco bell
wow I'm trying to think which taco bell this might have been on the off chance I've been there
crows and bluejays at my old house would wait for my dogs to finish their morning fill and go play in the yard (we had like a half acre)
then the birds would take the huge chunks of the dry dog food, and dip it into the dogs' water bowl to soften it, before chipping away at it or swallowing it whole (depended on the bird's size)
at first we chased them away, but eventually just let them have it since the dogs were too lazy to chase them and it was their food and they knew it.
so we joked we fed the whole neighborhood, since the corvids started teaching the other birds how to eat the dog food too. I kinda miss those birds.
Rival Fenix
I use crows and ravens in my fantasy novels to stand for intelligence and peace.
ArtIsArt : I can't get it to load. :-(
Bolt Vanderhuge
I love all the corvid stories in this plurk
Bolt Vanderhuge
Corvids are best birds
Lady Stardust
I am so happy this plurk showed up on my timeline