Robin Season
okay. I've been reading fanfic for years and years and years. printed it out on dotmatrix printers, saved it on 3.5" floppies, read it on usenet and on an old cheap mp3 player as txt docs back in 2005. now I
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read it on my computer and phone and tablet. I read it in my browser usually for shorter, new fics, or on my tablet in an e-reader for longer, complete stories
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I've even found a function that auto reads them for me, that I've been using for a fic I'm currently hooked on, when it updates while I'm on the 8 hour drive to Houston
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I've also been cranky about how hard it is to get fic from FFnet
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but now I got calibre to manage things and found a way to fetch them with a plug-in O_O
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so yeah, I might have downloaded 40 of my favs while I slept, last night >>
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I also wanted to share, just in case any of the rest of you have this issue
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it's the fanficfare plug-in
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I also didn't realize epubs were just a zipped collection of html and css etc
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I went in and edited things last night happy sigh
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because yeah, there was a file from LJ that wasn't on any of the fic archives and I had to have it on my tablet, because it's one of my favorites
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and I figured why have it as an rtf when I could turn it into an epub, too :-P
I think that's some kind of high level achievement lol
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I'm just happy that I can take them with me for when I don't have internet
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because I couldn't download from ffnet. I had to sneak and view source and then save as an html file FOR EACH CHAPTER OF A STORY, and then paste them all together again into one new doc
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I did that for a hundred plus chapter story once >>
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because I wanted it that badly
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never underestimate the lengths I will go to for fic
Trinity Blood really soured me on fanfic alas
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I'm a lot more picky now than I used to be
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ohhhh. but you like Xfiles
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ok, who is your fav, Mulder or Scully?
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(because I know better than to assume from your name, lol)
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because there is an amazing pre-xfiles story with Mulder as a profiler >>
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nice and long and references to TS Eliot :-)
Awww man! Younger me would have said mulder ofc but older me loves Scully lol but I love them both :3
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well, they did do one with Scully and Mulder, called Corpse, but I think the pre scully ones were better
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Therapy and Mistress were good, but Oklahoma was the best
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and theyre still floating around, lol
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actually, some of the best xfiles fic is still at the annex
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the old stuff, anyway
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I haven't kept up
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and since you're a Hannibal fan, I won't bother putting any warnings on Oklahoma or Corpse, lol
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if you can handle that, you can handle them :-)
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Hahaha thank you!!! :3
Sangunarium is about the only one that has really bothered me so far ;-)
Robin Season
well, Oklahoma was a child killer he was going after. and it's been a long time since I read Corpse, but I know that was finding a murderer too,. but I can't remember details