Dr. Yubsie
[AVAC] Had to shard the last three shades, but Luke Cage is MINE
aw yay :-D
I got everyone, some of them are level 1 but yeah
Congrats on Cage!
Ooooo! Go you! I finally got Patsy up to five and Matt to four, and I think I'm going to squeak out Wasp's outfit, but I'm nowhere near Luke.
Dr. Yubsie
Patsy and Iron Fist are at 2
Dr. Yubsie
Matt's at 3
Dr. Yubsie
I'm burning my health packs and power attacks off seeing how many stars I canget from ninjas :-P
I got Patsy to 3, Jessica wil lbe 4 by the time I'm done (one more ninja fight!), Matt's at 3, Luke will be 2, aaaand Iron Fist might get 2? maybe
Bog Witch
I like the mental image of the ninjas actually carrying 550 stars in like, duffel bags.
My limiting factor on Ninjas has always been antitoxins
Since without buying Jess, you accumulate those slower than anyone heals
Dr. Yubsie
They stopped being my limiting factor a looooooong time ago
yeah, I got up to like 200 of those. every single box I opened had 1 or 2 of those
my limiting factor keeps being ninja-killing stuff v.v the daisho for Luke, the cameras for Jessica
or heals. healing takes too long :-P
Dr. Yubsie
Healing and actually being strong enough to kill the damn ninjas
Dr. Yubsie
I should not still need a three person team for a random mook
It's literally not possible to get more than one antitoxin an hour for free, is it...?
Did I miss a crafting ability on those?
Dr. Yubsie
Higher level boxes give more than one
Dr. Yubsie
Plus the keys accumulate overnight
Dr. Yubsie
And when you're fighting Kingpin/Punisher instead of ninjas
I have literally never seen multiple antitoxins drop from one box...
I always spent them as soon as I got to six and one spare key, though
Which is why I'm fighting level 9 ninjas I guess
I've got some level 11 ninjas showing up on the screen now, but I can't take them without power attacks :-P
might be that you're using them as soon as you get them. I spent a couple days doing nothing but training, only fighting now and then, cuz I was trying to beat Kingpin/Punisher
so they accumulated maybe
See I was using half my team on the boss and the other half (featuring the guys currently weak to the boss) on ninjas
To conserve power attacks, mainly
I basically buffed up one team as much as possible and the other side characters when I could do them alongside
like you can't train Jessica and Luke on attack at the same time cuz they use the same spot :|
Dr. Yubsie
The training overlaps were a PAIN
Dr. Yubsie
Got Hellcat to R3
Dr. Yubsie
I think we are officially at the end of what I can accomplish with 49 minutes left :-P
I'd better go get my last ninja fight done if we're at 49 minutes left >.>
Yeah I'm like 2100 shuriken short of being able to upgrade anyone else
if I can get the damn game to load. sigh.
well, this might be really anticlimactic if I can't actually open the damn game /waits impatiently