Angry Popoto
[RP] I did a thing! Y'shtola voicetest is up on my musebox!
Angry Popoto
Feel free to throw whoever you want at her.
Angry Popoto
Everyone likes starting adventures in taverns, right?
Angry Popoto
Evil King Ammy
and whoever else wants to tag in. >.>
Angry Popoto
Angry Popoto
Also, anyone who tags in with a WoL will be recognized as such. Just to make things simpler.
Tonberry King
Angry Popoto
Requests on who of mine?
Angry Popoto
I have no idea! =D Whoever you want?
I will hit before the weekend when I can brain, to see which of mine could fit
Angry Popoto
Yay! Thankees!
Gave ya the Baron
Angry Popoto
Yay! I will get to a tag once I can brain it/type it in my phone. Quick question: is he human/would his general "aura" or whatever you'd call it read as human?
Angry Popoto
In case Y'shtola decides to put on her aetherometer or whatever it's called that lets her see and monitor that stuff.
They're a little unclear in the canon. Best I can think of is he's augmented humans. yes, the plural is intentional. According to the Wiki is is made up of several other people... but.... it never comes out in
the comic, so....
he is treated as human, medically, near as I can tell. Well... as a Spark which is human plus...something in the brain and glands.....
Angry Popoto
Hmm. So he'd probably look like one of the more powerful adventurers. Gotcha.
(the Baron may or may not be a construct I think it was? hence possibly made of multiple people)
The wiki says he is. Yeah
Angry Popoto
Ahhhh. Hm, I'll have to play it by ear if she uses that, then.
Angry Popoto
The tag will probably have to come tomorrow, as I just played a run-through of Journey and I'm already tired, so is bedtime for me. >.>
Evil King Ammy
when I have a brain, I'll try and hit this up. encourages you and loves you
Angry Popoto
to you both! To you all!
Sleep well!
Evil King Ammy
Ok I think I have an idea, but would you rather I au the muse in or contrive a way to be there?
Angry Popoto
I am completely open to whichever option you think would be more entertaining?
Evil King Ammy
ok. :>
Evil King Ammy
There. One marie hudson from sherlock hound.
Angry Popoto
That's awesome! I've never seen it, but the name is promising. /grin
Evil King Ammy
its hella great. you can find the episodes online
Angry Popoto
I'll definitely check it out!
Ok, I'm trying to figure out who to throw there
I'm actually thinking I might try with the Fool, but since he is a clairvoyant of some sort, I might need some extra info?
Angry Popoto
Sure! What sort of info?
mostly about the future? he could get a glimpse into different futures when touching her, like what different choices might lead her to
Angry Popoto
Sure! Seeing as I actually know what her future holds for her. =D That'd be entertaining, too, seeing as she's used to at least two people who regularly get visions of the past.
feel free to PP me so as not to encumber this one if you want
I'm going in totally canon blind just as a warning
Angry Popoto
No prob. I'll probably have to do it tomorrow, as I'm starting to crash hard for the night (and haven't even managed a tag today), but I'll get you a rough estimate! ...and maybe some cutscenes!
no problem! I can definitely write a starter in the meantime