波蘭副相表示 波蘭想當英國脫歐談話的仲裁者 - 衛報
Poland wants to play 'intermediary' for Brexit talks, s...
波蘭欲購入愛國者飛彈 尋求美國批准 - 衛報
Poland seeks US approval to buy Patriot missiles in $5bn deal
Poland’s missile defence project is central to its b...
#Brexit英國脫歐公投後續 #飛彈防禦系統 #布希時代的歐洲飛彈計畫 #飛彈可從各地發射 #伊朗
Hunt downplays signs of Brexit progress as Poland of...

Foreign secretary says Michel Barnier’s remarks do not show change to EU stance on UK plan.