people are massive dickheads X-(
two of my interns emailed me this morning, evidently their apartment had a fire drill at like midnight
and then some assholes fired at the crowd of people standing outside
with paintball guns
but of course people didn't realize they were paintball guns, they just knew they were being fired at
and there was a massive panic and one of my interns got hurt in the chaos
oh my god what the hell
like i want to find the scariest mothers of all time and have them give whoever did that the biggest scolding in the history of scolding
and then ground them until the sun explodes
https://i.imgur.com/pJAIY.gif(Dickheads, you say?) (NSFW)
Pikaboo you know, between you and the male intern i told about this who laughed uproariously, I am seeing a weird gender division between reactions to this
I don't find the paintball guns entertaining at all.
But this was the first image that popped into my head at the phrase "massive dickheads"
Pikaboo but you went straight for the part of the story you found funny rather than shock/sympathy/outrage. WHICH I SAY NOT IN JUDGEMENT.
It's just interesting to me
Fair point