Adarusharu's "purpose is to cause fear, for fear is what they eat; they do so by hunting down humans and killing them, and they prefer difficult, dangerous prey, as the fear is more satisfying."
so yeah while i imagine kyuuemon would be kind of powerful to begin with, since their Thing is eating faces and that's p damn terrifying, so they've got a lot of energy to work with
so he tricks a somewhat peaceful mage, one whose main role is probably maintaining the facade, seeking out mundane humans who've Seen Some Shit and helping them blank it all out and forget about it
if it weren't for the fact that Tachibana can see through all the illusions I would say BOY DO I HAVE A PEFECT SUCKER FOR YOUkyuuemon just stares at makotowhat ARE yousomething that will tear your throat outlol ur cutehe can try at least