White Camellia
...Do I... even have character types...? Umm... Okay, let's see...
White Camellia
Reisen: A rabbit. Hard worker who is essentially slave labor to a moon refugee. Largely seems to like her job.
White Camellia
Suika: An oni. Hobbies are making everyone happy! But has zero empathy and just kind of assumes what makes her happy would make everyone else happy too! So everyone should get durnk, party, and fight!
White Camellia
Helion: Basically a puppy. Homunculus "born" to be raised as a sacrificial soldier as slaves to the country and treated like monsters. Gets addicted to the praise she gets when she does a good job.
White Camellia
Tries... really really hard to be awesome. Is actually kind of a loser.
White Camellia
Kozue: Bright, cheerful, talkative... And also a mute, barely restrained homicidal maniac.
White Camellia
Mayu: Guiiilllt compleeexxx. Does her best at everything because she believes that she is a terrible person for making people unhappy.
White Camellia
Kirara:Super genius who is secretly chaotic evil to avenge her unrequited love's death, but also loves people way too much to actually go through with it. Usually.
White Camellia
Nepgear: Basically a walking Lawful Good stereotype. Has some family issues.
White Camellia
White Camellia
I... Guess I have hard workers as a type? Sor tof?
White Camellia
Kozue can't really be considered a workaholic like the rest, though...