the purpose of maids at a maid cafe are to squeeze as much money they can out of you (especially since there's a basic fee for how long you stay there)
Look it all goes to the same place okay. : \ And fine he will raise their finances a little bit. What a slave driver. : \ Never satisfied that Chikusa Kakimoto.
Chaer (my other Ken I've dragged into this den of sin and garbage) actually has an interesting headcanon, Callie, that the reason Ken is so adverse to baths is because it messes with his sense of smell
I AGREE WITH THAT although I also think a touch of it is tied into his being in sync with his animal channels and some of their distaste for baths carries over to him
(Mukuro alternates between cackling at that and getting Ken the least offensive soaps and shampoos possible, depending on which one he feels like rewarding that day)
but when Ken is talking about how Mukuro murdered the Estraneo in the labs, before they come across the gore, it shows Chikusa behind Ken, sticking close and with his hands curled into the back of his shirt
(in the manga, contrast, I think it's actually implied that Ken and Chikusa didn't have to investigate shit because Mukuro slaughtered all the adults right in front of them)
things the manga also shows that the anime doesn't: Chikusa being experimented on (and Ken's experiment tubes going straight into his mouth which makes more sense)
what I theorize is that they fucked up his flame so out of whack (by accident) that now it's just permanently on and why he doesn't care about getting so horrendously injured
I need to actually start playing with you guys instead of derailing your plurks about you and Mimi playing Chikusa and Mukuro with my filthy Ken thoughts
also I'm fucking laughing... I'm just imagining Chikusa's coworkers asking about Mukuro after seeing Chikusa serve him, and it coming out that he likes costumes and uniforms and junk...
I don't know if it's remotely based on canon, but the idea that he's trying to say 'pyon' and his fangs give him a lisp that makes it sound like 'byon'...
Mukuro may be too much of a control freak to bottom, unless he's occasionally feeling very generous and rides one of his two idiots - but even then he'd still be in total control, hence him being on top still
...meanwhile I can totally see Ken getting off on being mounted doggy-style, but I feel like if Chikusa or Mukuro ever wanted to do things another way he'd happily give it to them
where you ask your muse "so what kinks do you have?" and then some garbage nerd goes "choking someone" and then proceeds to ignore all inquiries as to why
Ken your very existence in the same space as Chikusa is a low-grade punishment a lot of the timethat's basically his rebuttal yesstop being a jackass, ken, dammitStop deserving it, KakipiWHICH I'M STILL SUPER PROUD OF TBHchikusa stop thatAll his icons are ridiculous shitbaby icons because they have Ken in themBut that one is exaggerated for comic effect ridiculous shitbaby