while I'm on the train, who should I play from your canon?
book of thot
If I already do, tell me who else I should play
book of thot
well, as for the canons of mine you don't already play from
Oh dear
book of thot
probably naomi misora from death note
book of thot
hypercompetent, unlucky, only sane woman
book of thot
she's the only person in the series who realizes she's surrounded by weirdass douchebags
book of thot
as for lord of the rings, that's hard because there are like maybe three women to choose from
Ali Jade
Lady Une from Gundam Wing.
book of thot
eowyn's the obvious choice, but I'd also like to present for consideration lobelia sackville-baggins
book of thot
who whacks villains with her umbrella and doesn't afraid of anything
From my own personal canon, I feel like you'd play a good Nicole or Renee
Nicole is a subdued, down to earth no-nonsense monster hunter with severe soft spot for a childhood friend who ended up undead because of her
and Renee is a rash, excitable somewhat easily manipulated budding programmer teen
(whoops phone died on the way)
spartabitch: Death Note has sane characters? this is news to me. and lol yeaaaaah LotR. and its. dearth of women.
Isn't Lobelia the one trying to steal all the silver out of bag end though, essentially?
Ali Jade
: I have actually played in a game with a Lady une! She was certainly an interesting character. Maybe if I ever watch Big Robot Show
: they both sound pretty cool and don't afraid of anything
Only their own mistakes
and thank you I take great pride in them
book of thot
it's true
book of thot
lobelia is a shit
book of thot
she's selfish and petty and mean
book of thot
but she'd be fun to play
Nicole has the interest of an unsalted pretzel but she's fun with zany complimentary characters