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working on networking on tech ye ye
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*at tech even
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i took the opportunity to swing by the lgbtqia office to drop off my counselor's business card and endorse her for Amazing re: lgbT identities and as a good resource
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and had a long conversation with the director about events and programs we could develop on campus
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drawing from my experience at stanford with educational panels and housing
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and made sure to confirm that i'd love to be involved in making these things happen and that i'd love to help out with admin/design stuff since her graduate assistant's leaving in two weeks
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(i'mma miss quinn they are AWESOME ): )
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and she's pushing for a full-time coordinator position but is waiting on, of course, budget approval...so it'll either be a full-time coordinator or two graduate assistants
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but she won't know until the end of summer before school begins and the applicant pool pickings will be pretty slim by then
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so hopefully i was able to make a good impression and emphasize my educational background, how i'm up-to-date with issues and understand the importance of intersectionality
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and how there are programs tech could push to pilot, especially re: housing
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FINGERS CROSSED this conversation pans out in the future
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i'mma make a strong effort to consistently attend the PRIDE employee resource group events and just make myself more visible and known
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ideally i'd love to find work with the lgbtqia office so this might sow the seeds for that if the director can keep advocating for expanding their budget
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right now it's...just her and quinn...
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and surprisingly tech's boasting a population of 30+ trans/questioning students?? that's like double what stanford had
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and we had the firetruck house AND student orgs AND an explicitly lgbt-friendly co-op dorm
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also just had a great conversation with my director about touching base with the lgbtqia director + bringing in treah as a valuable lgbt resource
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and got to talking about the things i'd really like to bring to tech and where i could see improvements, especially in housing
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so basically went over co-op life with him and how i think it'd be a really great pilot program to try here at tech and that housing might jive with
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(since they wouldn't have to pay for cleaning/cooks since house maintenance is managed by the students for everything aside from fix-its!)
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he's gonna go to the housing director and pitch the idea and see what he thinks
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ye ye ye slowly but surely i'm gonna bring the best of stanford here to tech