Jason is going to find the awkward squawking utterly amusing. And kind of adorable. (Not that he'd necessarily want to pursue anything there, but still. Adorable.)
I think the superhero jaunt will, in fact, be a decent catalyst for this. (especially if you want to send Jason on Malik's dungeon afterwards to shove it along further.)
Possibly. He's a bit of an asshole, but in his defense, he's an asshole who'll fight for his people with all the ferocity of a cornered rabid badger, so.
And Malik and Jason doing superhero stuff could be so much fun. (I wasn't sure he'd be welcome in the dungeon, since they haven't known each other all that long, but I'm all for it if you are.)
(He misses his guns, but none of the people he knows who could make them would. One day, one glorious day, he will have Liminal Manipulation II. And then he'll have his guns back.)
he was Dick's dad on another jaunt sobhe might talk to Lupa for you bro, he does gunsand then possibly she'll end up with the life goal of kicking batmanMalik will probably want to slap batman tbh