the whole country has become as politically retarded as Georgia-4, hasn't it?
looking back: fucking racist nutcase, disbarred attorney, fucking racist nutcase returns, delusional whackjob... and the delusional whackjob aces the primary and might as well be unopposed.
at least Guam hasn't tipped over and fallen into the ocean... yet.
the thing is, yeah, I'm one of the "outsiders" who contributed to Majette's campaign to oust McKinney the idiot. Then, I gave to Hank's campaign.
Majette may have been an incompetent crook, but she was sane... or so I thought. The delusions of grandeur as she tried for the Senate crushed her and led to the downspiral.
Hank seemed sane, but I forgot that there's something in the water there more deadly that ten Flints. Oh well. We all can't be John Lewis, historical superheroes, right?