ok i'm having some serious blender isssues. If someone can help me I'd be super happy!!
first of all if a make a sculpted head and add mesh uv eyes in it and move them about after i've started to sculpt again the whole shit first starts to bug the fuck out and then it'll crash.
Sometimes it doesn't do that but other bugs start to appear. Like another one is that there are faces on the model that I cannot move at all. Can't smooth them, can't move them...nothing.
third one is that if i try to render my head the camera jumps inside the head when i press 0 from numpad no matter where I physically move the camera it jumps inside the head and the render is black.
I reinstalled my display drivers but that didn't help jack. I wonder if I should just reinstall Blender..would that help at all? I have blender 2.77. This is frustrating as hell. :'-( rant over.
Sculpted mesh are usually very high poly so sometimes it will freeze your 'chine
Camera wise, try orthographic mode (5) and then looking at it from front view (1)
I'm in bed now so can't open blender xd when you sculpted, did you use a subdivided cube? Or a cube that had multires modifier?
here's images of the problems. in the last one it seems that when in object mode there appear weird bugs. it's like one vertice that doesn't move that's shown on the first pic in the circle.
on the cube
but i kept subdividing it
This is my third ever sculpture in blender :-D I installed it like 3 days ago. Have never doen sculpting so this is new and nothing make sense. :-D
fighting with blender makes me feel like this:
Hmm,you could fix that vertices in edit mode, I suppose? I wish Im more helpful (LOL)
Ye it seems that for some reason it's really buggy and I don't know why. :/
Was there a mirror modifier?
i wonder if it helps if i reinstall blender on my c drive instead of d. also it seems that the bugs start after i insert the uv mesh spheres as eyes
and thank you dolcemodz :-)
Ah k. So the 'inwards' thinh might be from the mirror modifier. You need the 'merge' and 'clipping' options on the mirror modifier enabled. And try shifting the modifiers hierarchy
Paco Pooley
Have you applied an armature to the head? these spikes look like a weight issue.
I.e: see if it changes if mirror modifier is put on top of multires and vice versa :-D you can move modifiers through different position without deleting and reading them
the mirroring is used from uh..shit i forgot... :-D hold on i'll reinstall blender so i can find it
Paco Pooley
also: it does not look like it from the pictures as if it is super high poly. But how much is the tris count overall?
i dunno what armature even is :-D
(LOL) meshing is hell the first few weeks!
Paco Pooley : 50k tris, unrigged. Answering it cos might confuse her (LOL)
Paco Pooley
ah armature is like the skeleton. you can move your sculp in different Positions and poses. But i guess this is a no (LOL)
14k, sorry!
i used symmetry instead of mirroring
Paco Pooley
The computer should handle 50k tris. so this is also not the problem
where can i see how many tris i have :-D
oh found it...14,208
The head looks promising though! Maybe it should be spiked head
Paco Pooley
I am at the beergarden at the moment so I can not help that good. But usually the sculpting process is without mirror but with symmetry lock in the sculpting tools
ye i have that symmetry thingie
Paco Pooley
14 k is nothing for a sculpt
Artistic license "the head is spiky because it is meant to be, it's le arte haute couture!"
ye i'll call it a glitch head
i did a head with double of that earlier but it was buggy too. it was my first head
just took a screenshot cos i was lazy lol. ran into exactly same problems with that one after adding the eyes
Paco Pooley
So i am back now for a few minutes... Just that we maybe can find the bug. what is your normal process on sculpting? You take a cube, put some loopcuts in and shape it in a rough form (like an egg)
Paco Pooley
then you go in sculpt mode, use the multires mod and start Building on the Resolution Levels the mod gives you. At one Point you make the eyes (spheres) but they are seperate meshes. You drag them in the...
Paco Pooley
right Position and go back to your sculpt to finalise it. This is the process i know while sculpting in multires...
Paco Pooley
have you done it this way or did you do anything different?
yes. and i tried to go to edit mode and the whole thing just turned into a box even though i tried put the max on the catmull-clark or whatever it is.
Paco Pooley
Paco Pooley
Paco Pooley
the multires modifyer has different Settings. If you subdivide it in sculpting mode you have the Settings: preview: 0, Sculpt 1 (well or 2,3,4,5) and render 1 (or according to the sculpt Settings)
Paco Pooley
if you crank up the preview (by clicking on the Little arrow next to the "0") you will see the multires also in edit mode
Paco Pooley
crap no - in object mode - not in edit mode. you only will see it in edit mode after applying the multires mod
Paco Pooley
okay - and you made the eyes (different mesh - most likely with mirror mod) and then go back to your sculpt and then the Spikes are there?
at least that's when the issues started
Paco Pooley
obviously something went wrong - i still can not grab what exactly unfortunately. but something is definitely Messing up with your Computer... I know it is superfrustrating, even more since i do not have a...
Paco Pooley
solution to this Problem. the only Thing i can offer is this Video tutorial on sculpting here which (at least for me) is an eyeopener on multires sculpting (since i usually sculpt in dyntropo mode)...
awesome thank you! yeah i just hope my hardware isn't too old. it shold be able to run it.. it even ran dragon age inquisition just fine....
Paco Pooley
I honestly do doubt that it is your Hardware. from a gut Feeling i would say that maybe something is Messing up in you modifyer section or something there... because the eyeballs are just spheres (duh). and..
Paco Pooley
...this should not Change anything with your sculpt. so - i dunno... maybe it is the modifyer stack, maybe the eyeballs and the sculpt are parented or joined or - phew... actually it can be anything :-/
maybe i should just sculpt the eyes on it.
Paco Pooley
oh i would not recommend that tbh. Keep the eyeballs seperate and clean
but with the eyeballs i can't sculpt :-(
i have no problems unti i add the eyes
Paco Pooley
and if you move the eyes to a different layer? (eyes selected in object mode "m" and then choosing another layer) Could that work? Or does that end the issues?
lemme see
not sure but they might already be in a different layer...?
Paco Pooley
Paco Pooley
hope you can read it...
aaaaaaa ok hold on
Paco Pooley
okay - i really hope you can solve the issue, gotta run now because dinner and starving. but in any case - watch the Video. it helped me a bunch. I also replurked in case a fellow creator is familiar with this
Paco Pooley
issue... good luck!
i did it! how can i make it so i can see the eyeballs and the face
the bugging vertices won't still move though. I might have to start it all over again and put the eyeballs in another layer in that one and hope it works. as long as I figure out how to make both layers visible
Paco Pooley
You can shift select the layer under your 3d window so you can see both.
Paco Pooley
And the spikes... Maybe they go away with the smooth brush?
the spikes disappear in sculpt mode. the one spot that doesn't move doesn't go away with smoothing.. i had the exact problem with the last sculpt.
Paco Pooley
I am a bit unsure because in one picture the tris count is 50k and in the other only 14k. can it be that by accident you duplicated the sculpt mesh?
Paco Pooley
that one is lying above the other? Since you can sculpt only one mesh at the time this could be the reason why the spikes do not disappear
the one picture i showed you afterwards was another sculpture i did before this that had the same issues
like exactly the same issues. the vertice i couldn't move was just in a different part of the head