tea’s gone cold
tea’s gone cold
oh god i'm so depressed. there are opportunities all around me but I can't even finish anything I start. things I finish are mediocre.
tea’s gone cold
i live in Britain's elbow, I can't drive, and I'm too incompetent to even get up in time for a job even if I had any experience.
tea’s gone cold
i thought i was over feeling depressed about being stuck here but for the last couple of days all i've wanted to do has been cry all the time about what a piece of shit I am
kaboo 🎃
wanna meet up some time? when i was feeling that way in unemployment hell, hanging out with friends was a godsend
tea’s gone cold
I do. However, this weekend I'll be at Other Worlds festival, talking to intimidatingly intelligent musicians
tea’s gone cold
and the weekend after that I'm going to Preston to see Seance/Love Party at Derelict