Paco Pooley
WIP of the day. just puzzeling around. not sure if i will use it at all
Auryn Beorn
Goodness. Your skills. Want.
Paco Pooley
Auryn Beorn
: I watched a lot of tuts on sculpting in blender recently. This one definitely has been something like an eyeopener for me:
Master Model Blender week03 03 tutorial 03 creature ...
I can really imagine that as a really cool medieval fountain spout or a door handle
Auryn Beorn
takes notes
Auryn Beorn
I have to start sculpting some day. For real.
Think about it for a gargoyle or a fountain. The mouth is perfect for a fountain with bronze ornaments actualy
Paco Pooley
: Actually i planned it as a fountain spout
Paco Pooley
Auryn Beorn
: It is huge fun - really. the only recommendation i can give you: Do not even think of using your mouse for it. You will kill it. I have a kinda cheap Bamboo pen/pad that works marvellous
Paco Pooley
: yeah... i was thinking about a wall fountain. I have to see in which direction it is dragging me
Auryn Beorn
I have a small Bamboo thing too... I'll use that
Paco Pooley
Auryn Beorn
: oh then it is perfect! And the only secret is - as Long as you learend what the brushes all do and maybe how to make your own brushes - references. references galore
Paco Pooley
Auryn Beorn
: And another tip: Start sculpting with the multires modifyer and NOT with dyntropo. Dyntropo is indeed Handy but it blows your triscount up the Roof. you can get easy 2 mio tris within 10 minutes
Hnng, I love blender sculpting.
Paco Pooley
: it is superfun, isn't it? well the sculpting. the retopology not that much
So much fun! The retopo is hell, yes, but nowadays I do that at night, while we watch a movie that is not from SyFy
So, sitting on the floor, laptop on coffee table, and snapping quads away
Paco Pooley
lol... sounds like a good way to spend the night
This is just so cool!!
I recently discovered after years of meshing that you can delete edge loops without deleting the faces around it which has basically saved my life
Paco Pooley
: lol gosh... i make this all the time for the lower LOD Levels...
Paco Pooley
: for shame most of the time I let SL do it automatically - I should stop that xD
Paco Pooley
: ah for many occasions SL does it not too bad. to make the lower LODs by your own gives you more Control like - deleting stuff you can not see anyways (the bottom of chair feet i.e.
Holy cow that's amazing!!!