app-writing chatter. i'll need someone to read over it once i'm done,,,
i am not looking forward to having to concisely sum up jay's complicated-ass canon from the perspective of someone who's not the twins.
also i'm ... not going to put in much setting info in, except technology level and stuff. i don't want to overcomplicate things? since it looks like the mods are looking for concise apps.
sailor bii
concise is nice
sailor bii will you read over this mess
sailor bii
also can you get on AIM
sailor bii
yes. i need to go downstairs and switch comps first
sailor bii
because i am being lazy and computing from the bedroom and i don't have aim on the netbook because it hates running a lot of programs
sailor bii
but i can do that now
fuck it, i'm changing his canon point.
taking him from the beginning instead of after the end.
that way i don't have to explain a whole load of stuff that i'm not even decided on yet
sailor bii
good idea
i'm really nervous about this