🌈Chandni (They)
It's my Dad's 60th birthday today, we had a lovely phone chat which was great. And now it just hit me that he's 60 and somehow my brain went down the "He's getting old" road and anxiety hit
🌈Chandni (They)
me out of the blue - wtf brain?
Happens to me often.
Morgan 🎀
I liked for the chat before I saw the rest of it
🌈Chandni (They)
PepperAnneMint: it's okay
My dad is 61 y/o (even if you wouldn't saying looking at him), and since he has some health problems i sometimes have the same thought. He's not in danger but, ya know...
🌈Chandni (They)
yeah i know what you mean
my grandma's at 76 and she's still pretty sharp! So downhill may still be a long way away, for the things that matter.
~ Ainsley ~
My dad turned 65 on Monday, so I know how you feel
Ceejay Writer
Want a kicker? I have a year on your dad and I'm still scaring the world.