Actually I don't mind this new version all that much.
The dashboard/background is a little... tall? But otherwise I like it, it's cute and smooth c:
Idk. I'm not a huge fan of it. I just have a hard time with change. Also... I'd really like for the background I hunted for for ages to actually fit my timeline which it doesn't, and I'm not smart enough to fix
Hannah (CA)
I agree actually haha
Hannah (CA)
but the background IS too tall
I do get your struggle background thing though. I've customized things in the past but never for plurk, it was always too difficult for me to do things that weren't a part of the pregiven stuff.
Wait, also, if you type out a line, it doesn't really show you the whole thing anymore? That's pretty annoying too... anyone know how to fix that? :/
I think my biggest annoyance is the replacement of the plurk tabs.
....there were tabs before?
For the Mine, Private, etc
Oh wait yeah!! Wow that's bothersome. I don't even know where they went now.
Also I don't know if this is with all themes but my new one doesn't show new response notifications all that well
Where the "New response" tab usually is all the way to the bottom left. And the "New response" shows up to the right of it. It's kinda annoying.
Hannah (CA)
I feel like this one makes you click a lot more
Ugh I just found it, I feel so inept.
I mean I could understand why they would think consolidating the tabs would be useful, but really it's just annoying.
If I could click on it and have it stay up, I might be able to learn to be okay with it, but no...
I feel like if I could express my emotions in cat form, my ears would be pinned to my head in a very clear "No!"
This will have to do...
also WildWolfJay I don't know what your background was before but if it's the same thing as it is now it looks so cool!!
It's the same thing! i was too lazy to change it for the holidays this year. xD But you used to be able to see the full guitar. I'm okay with the height, though.