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[sbux] if I started a Tales From The Sbux blog would anyone be entertained by that
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I'm starting to feel that stories like the German lady who asked me about cleaning products the other day and then started randomly talking about Nazis should be preserved for posterity
miles you ass
miles you ass
also what
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she saw me cleaning the pastry case glass and was like "oh those chemicals are toxic, I know you have to use them but it's a shame"
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and just to make conversation I said "haha yeah but I only use white vinegar for cleaning at home" and she was very approving of that and we got started talking about household cleaning products
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then she suddenly asks where my parents are from and I'm like "...here...? scotland and germany a long long time ago but we've been in america for generations?"
miles you ass
I can see where this is headed
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and she was like "OH I thought so, you look German, and you're so smart" and then suddenly NAZIS
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I'm not exactly sure what she was actually saying because her english wasn't great but I'm very suspicious given how excited she seemed to be by my german ancestry
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it was so uncomfortable
miles you ass
oh god
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miles you ass
hair cryptid
Wow. I would definitely read ity, but just make sure it's totally unassociated with anything your managers might see, which ai know you know, just want to preserve your job and blog at the same time
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yeah, I was trying to come up with a clever name that technically had no actual references to starbucks
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I am accepting suggestions
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something something brewing.... uh... caffeine...? idk
hair cryptid
Vignettes with Caffeine?
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something less classy-sounding, I think. I want something that will relay the humor of the and moments
miles you ass
miles you ass
Like shop talk but coffee